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What is Zoom Team Chat?

Zoom Team Chat connects teams and streamlines communication through securely integrated messaging software. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Team Chat conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Team Chat support articles or start a new discussion below!

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사용하지 않은 결재된 요금 환불가능한지요?

코로나로 재작년까지 줌을 사용하다가 작년부터 사용하지 않았는데 자동으로 결재가 되었습니다.사용안하면 요금이 청구 안되는 줄 알았는데 2021년 7월 19일에 사용용금 164.89(USD)이 나도 모르는 사이 결재되었습니다. 금액도 크고 너무 황당한데 환불해주시면 감사하겠습니다.


Доброго дня! Хотілося б, щоб була можливість обмежувати деяким учасникам конференції доступ до участі в опитуваннях. Тобто щоб одні учасники мали змогу голосувати, а інші - ні.Також прошу звернути увагу на проблему із результатами опитувань. У файлі ...



Problem by upgrading from Basic to "Pro"

Sorry, my English is not perfect....During the process for upgrading the Zoom -Tarif from Basic to Pro it is necessary to notice a certain "tax-number".(in Germany it is the so-called "USt-Nr." (similar to VAT)).I notice my right number, but always t...

How to disable overflow calls to my cell

We have Zoom phone at work. I also have Zoom on my personal phone. However, I don't want all the incoming phone calls from work ringing to my personal phone. I only use Zoom on my personal phone for chat. How do I turn off the overflow calls from my ...

WendyU by Zoom Partner
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