Zoom Events and Webinars
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What are Zoom Events and Webinars?

Market and host interactive experiences with the Zoom Events all-in-one virtual event platform or host engaging webinars with Zoom Webinars. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Events and Webinars conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Events and Zoom Webinar support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

Gallery View in Webinar

I want to host a Webinar with 2-3 Participants, and I want all participants to be seen and recorded the whole time, not just the person that is speaking at any given time. Is this possible? I can't find a setting to make that happen.

Webinar View Question

I am hosting a webinar and several people on my team will be on the webinar for introductions only, then will turn off their video. I assume that means that they will *not* show up in Gallery view for the participants? I also don't quite understand w...

Zoom clour storage and Dropbox

A seminar attendee has moved a cloud recording (stored in my zoom account) to her dropbox. When I try to delete the recording from my Zoom cloud storage, I get a message that the recording will be deleted from her drop box. Can the dropbox version be...

EM25 by Newcomer
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Activity Host Report & Usage Reports

To the best of my knowledge the Activity Host Reports and Usage Reports do not contain locations for participants to meeting hosts. Is there any action being taken to report participant location summaries nationally/globally?

Webinars Reports - Data integrity

How can the 'Max concurrent views' for my webinar have a higher count then 'Unique Viewers' (by almost twice the amount - )? I've found the definitions below, I wonder if my report is giving erroneous data as I can't see how Max concurrent viewers > ...

Resolved! Zoom Screen Sharing

The host is sharing a video, but the video was lagging so we couldn't even hear it or watch it. Me and my friends' WIFI are all fine. The host's WIFI is fine too, his video is as smooth as ever. He tried turning off his video and all our videos, but ...