Unable to slow down video speed in playback on Android phone
I booked an (expensive) virtual conference. I have a neurological disability that means I need to watch the session videos on playback in slowed down mode at c. 0.8 speed (due to my delayed sensory processing disability). But when I click on the playback speed toggle there are only options to make it go faster none are slower - help! This is a critical feature for me to be able to participate at all, so at the moment I'm in a lot of distress and despair as due to this problem I am completely blocked from joining the whole weeklong conference event. 😭 I think it's a bug or design fault as on a friends iPhone a slower speed option is shown. But even then only I option 0.5 is offered, which is far too slow and not the 0.8 or 0.9 that I require so even that is no good to me and still not actually disability accessible. Standard desigm would be a toggle or slider to allow user to pick the right speed for them in either direction. The Virtual conference runs all this week and all videos are affected with the same issue. I'm so gutted and can't believe zoom have overlooked such an essential disabled accessibility feature. Conference platform Sched, have investigated and say it is a zoom side technical issue . I don't have a paid zoom account so how can I request this vital access issue investigating this and fixing this critical accessibility bug /design issue. Please please can someone help me escalate this issue to get it fixed as I'm totally unable to access any of the conference material due to this critical bug.
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