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What are Zoom Meetings?

Zoom Meetings are a simplified video conferencing solution for an optimized virtual meeting experience. Explore the Zoom Community's Recent Activity below to join the Meetings conversation and connect with other members. If you're still looking for support, browse our Zoom Meetings support articles or start a new discussion below!

Recent Activity

My picture in ZOOM

I was trying to post my picture during a zoom session once and before I could post it, it was already there. I am not sure if this was because it was already copied it to the clipboard or not. Later, I couldn't reproduce it and copy the picture to th...

Video problems

Here goes I use zoom app on chrome OS on a Raspberry. When I start a meeting with my teacher she gets sound but no video. If I join the same meeting with my laptop - no problem.on the laptop I can see the video from my raspberry If I start a meeting ...

Henrik8 by Listener
  • 0 replies

Poll function unresponsive

I tested it earlier in the day and it was working but during my meeting when I clicked on the Poll function nothing happened

Amzahl der Teilnehmer einmalig erhöhen?

Guten Morgen,ich habe mal eine Frage an die Community.Gibt es bei Zoom die Möglichkeit für ein Meeting die Teilnehmerzahl von derzeit max. 100 auf eine höhere Anzahl zu steigern? Wir bräuchten es nur einmalig , natürlich würden wir dafür auch zahlen....

Rico1 by Listener
  • 4 replies

opening a webpage while still in Zoom

I have to take a tech test to see how well I know Zoom. First, I start the video, then I write my name on the whiteboard then close the whiteboard. Then, I "open browser, go to, and share this screen. I can't find a way to open a brows...