How to Share Slide Show Without Showing Computer Desktop?
Is there really no way to inject a simple slide show directly into a Zoom Webinar, rather than having to use an external slideshow program (such as Power Point) and having to share my computer screen? I noticed if we want to share a video, we can click the “Advanced” tab of the Share function and choose “Video” and this enables us to share a video without our computer desktop being visible to attendees. This is great. However, everything I'm reading about sharing a slide show requires me to share my computer desktop so that attendees see my actual computer desktop where the slide show lives. Our previous webinar platform, WebinarJam, allowed us to inject slides directly into the webinar, so the slides lived in the webinar itself, not on my computer, so I never had to "share" my own computer screen and make my computer desktop visible to attendees. Does that make sense? Is there really no way to inject a slideshow into a Zoom webinar? And if not, how do you share slides in Zoom Webinars without making your desktop visible to attendees? In our practice sessions, we've experimented with PowerPoint (using these Zoom instructions but we couldn't figure out how to hide the Power Point control panel so that the attendees only see the slides, not the surrounding Power Point control panels and menus. Would love the hear how others do it.
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