Trying to sync O365 calendar with Zoom. Not allowed to sign in to O365 via Zoom?... Wha?!?
Hi Zoomers I am using a MacBook and Safari browsers to do all the following steps (using browser, not apps) As in Subject line, I am trying to sync my Outlook calendar to Zoom. I follow the steps correctly. At one point in the process I am asked to sign in to my Microsoft account. (I have my Microsoft365 account opened in the neighbouring tab. I know how to log in to O365...) I get an error message that states: "(domain name).com isn't in our system. Make sure you typed it correctly." Any ideas why attempting login to O365 when instructed by Zoom to do so will not work? Even though I can login to O365 when independent of the Zoom instructions about syncing Zoom to Outlook calendar?...
(Again, I am logged into O365 in a different browser tab. There is an account under my domain and I can log into it without problems - it is currently opened in the other browser tab!!)
Thanks in advance for explanations / suggestions.
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