Zoom tries to schedule a meeting when using the Team Add-in
Hi there, I'm having such a bad time trying to fix this matter. The thing is when I try to schedule a meeting using the Teams Add-in I get a loading meesage "Zoom is trying to add a meeting..." and I get prompted a web browser to a page stationg "Zoom has found a proble. Visit Support page..." https://zoom.us/office365/addzoom?_host_Info=Outlook$Win32$16.02$es-ES$$$$16 I don't have Zoom installed on this computer and the Zoom Add-in for Outlook was removed aswell a while ago, it won't appear on the Add-in list in Outlook configurations, not even on the Disabled tab. I tried the Zoom Cleaner but for company policies it's not allowed to run the tool. Also tried cleaning temporary files, looking at Program Files for Zoom folders, App Data. I ever reinstalled the whole Office package and no luck. If my explanation is confusing or not clear, I recorded the issue so you can see what is happening: Grabando #1.mp4 Thank you!
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