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New to Zoom Phone - Set up of users. Do I need multiple numbers


Hi All - I have a small business we only 5 staff - 2 of which are remote. 

For the zoom phone system this is what we would like - 1 phone number for clients to call with extensions. This phone number will be primarily answered by one of our staff and then routed to the other used. Also we would like to be able to call out from this number and have multiple lines so more then one of our team can call out at once. 


Is this possible? Do I need to get every user their phone number or am I ok with just having one Main line number to do this?







Hi Michael.  We also have a staff of 5.  All of us work remotely.  Zoom will provide you with a main number and then assign each person with their own number for use of extensions (and direct dial).  You can adjust settings so that all outbound calls show from your single main number.  Its very simple to transfer from line to line and have access to the primary v/m.  You do, however, need to pay for each user to have a line.  In comparison to other services, I found this was still more cost effective than other providers.  

Thanks Cindy! Did you get 5 lines and a single main number (Ie one line for each person plus the main?) or does the Main get assigned to someone?



Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

If you intend on having others call out while using this single number, they'll require a calling license. That be metered or unlimited. They don't need a phone number, they can remain extension only. However, that calling license is required in order for them to use an auto receptionist, call queue, or shared line group phone number.  Alternatively, they can call someone who is licensed like a front desk receptionist and have that person transfer them out. Messy, but it works.