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Want to accept phone calls but block android voicemail notifications during certain hours


I have an edge case. I am using Zoom Phone on a desktop computer and android phone. I keep the Android phone with the Zoom app installed with me all the time.


I am a pastor and take a day off. On my day off, people calling to talk to me will get an auto-receptionist with IVR and they can either press 1 to leave a voicemail, or press 3 to ring my phone anyway if it's an emergency.


The problem is, if they leave a voicemail, I'll get a notification on my phone on my day off, and the whole point of this is to delay receiving non-urgent contacts until after my "Sabbath."


Can I set it up somehow that my phone will
1) ring (via the zoom app) 24/7 hour as long as the person follows through the phone tree to request it (this part is already set up),

2) but only get voicemail notifications on my cell phone during hours I would otherwise be in the office?


I've googled this extensively and found nothing. Every time I think I've found something that looks close, it ends up being about settings for email, which I already have handled.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello @pastordavids 

I don't think what you want to do it can be done exactly because if you are the owner f the VM, someway or another you will get the notification, unless you are on Holidays or activate DND in which case disables also the "Emergency" calls you still want to receive.

What I would suggest is use or create  another structure that will receives the Voicemail and you have access to then manage those Voicemail via the Zoom Portal: i.e.  a Call Queue that you use to send those Voicemails and make you a Voicemail Admin for that Call Queue: You shouldn't receive any notifications and after you are back from your Time-Off, you can always go to the Zoom Portal, and check the Call Queue's Voicemail. Of course...the disadvantage is that you won't know you have a Voicemail until you actually go an check.


I hope I was clear explaining but I can elaborate if needed.

1) Create a Zoom Call Queue (I guess you can be the only member); you can just configure it in a way that immediately sends the call to its Voicemail.

2) You might need to be added as the Call Queue Admin just for you to control the settings but this step might not be necessary at all.

3) Make sure in the ZCQ Policy Configuration you are added to Access the Voicemail, so you have access to manually go to the Portal and look for those Voicemail.


Basically when you are on your Time-Off you redirect your Non-Emergency calls to that ZCQ which is nothing more than a VM Repository. I know it is a bit convoluted but I think it will accomplish what you are looking for.


Creating Queues:

Manage/Share Queue's VM:


PS:  Since you might already have a Zoom Auto Receptionist, you can just use that ZAR Voicemail and make you Admin for its VM, instead of creating a new ZCQ; it should accomplish the same thing, hopefully.

View solution in original post


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @pastordavids 


Welcome to Zoom community.

My suggestion is use the Do not disturb mode when you are in holiday mode. That will disable all notifications for you. To do this , follow this article and setup custom Do not disturb and if needed recurring.


for example, you can setup Do not disturb between 11 PM and 8 AM everyday. See attached screenshot as well.


If this response helps, please accept my answer as an accepted solution, so others can benefit as well.





That could work, except that I don't want to disable all notifications, just voicemail. I still need my phone to ring if someone gets through the auto-receptionist and still wants to leave me a message.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @pastordavids 


My apologies for the late response. Here is my recommendation:


You may setup Non Business or Holiday hours when you are off work: ( phone systems management -> Users and Rooms -> find your user -> GO to User settings and setup a temporary holiday ( you can choose any day )



Once you are there, You can enable calling but disable Voicemail and replace it with Play a message and disconnect OR simply disconnect. You can have a record a message like " I am out of office, Please call back tomorrow or during working hours )




Hope that helps. If this response helps, please accept my answer as an accepted solution, so others can benefit as well.




Thanks for taking the time to reply again!


I went back and looked at my original post and realized I wasn't as clear as I should've been about what I wanted. I said


The problem is, if they leave a voicemail, I'll get a notification on my phone on my day off, and the whole point of this is to delay receiving non-urgent contacts until after my "Sabbath."


Can I set it up somehow that my phone will
1) ring (via the zoom app) 24/7 hour as long as the person follows through the phone tree to request it (this part is already set up),

2) but only get voicemail notifications on my cell phone during hours I would otherwise be in the office?

What I should've said was that

1) I want people to be able to leave voicemails, but

2) I don't want to be notified about those voicemails until I'm back in the office, but also
3) I want my phone to ring (via the zoom app) 24/7 as long as the person follows through the phone tree to request it (this part is already set up),


Your proposed solution (3) does allow my phone to ring and (2) doesn't give me notifications about voicemails, but (1) doesn't allow people to leave a message for me to hear later, which is the third important piece


I want them to be able to leave a message, but I don't want to be notified that they left a message until I'm back in the office.


I thought I implied that when I said people can "either press 1 to leave a voicemail, or press 3 to ring my phone anyway if it's an emergency," but I guess I didn't.


Thanks again for taking the time to reply 🙂

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello @pastordavids 

I don't think what you want to do it can be done exactly because if you are the owner f the VM, someway or another you will get the notification, unless you are on Holidays or activate DND in which case disables also the "Emergency" calls you still want to receive.

What I would suggest is use or create  another structure that will receives the Voicemail and you have access to then manage those Voicemail via the Zoom Portal: i.e.  a Call Queue that you use to send those Voicemails and make you a Voicemail Admin for that Call Queue: You shouldn't receive any notifications and after you are back from your Time-Off, you can always go to the Zoom Portal, and check the Call Queue's Voicemail. Of course...the disadvantage is that you won't know you have a Voicemail until you actually go an check.


I hope I was clear explaining but I can elaborate if needed.

1) Create a Zoom Call Queue (I guess you can be the only member); you can just configure it in a way that immediately sends the call to its Voicemail.

2) You might need to be added as the Call Queue Admin just for you to control the settings but this step might not be necessary at all.

3) Make sure in the ZCQ Policy Configuration you are added to Access the Voicemail, so you have access to manually go to the Portal and look for those Voicemail.


Basically when you are on your Time-Off you redirect your Non-Emergency calls to that ZCQ which is nothing more than a VM Repository. I know it is a bit convoluted but I think it will accomplish what you are looking for.


Creating Queues:

Manage/Share Queue's VM:


PS:  Since you might already have a Zoom Auto Receptionist, you can just use that ZAR Voicemail and make you Admin for its VM, instead of creating a new ZCQ; it should accomplish the same thing, hopefully.


Thank you, Vinnie! This is it. This is it, right here.