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People waiting in waiting room


I have a Pro Account! I have had 5 people complain to me (out of 20) that they were waiting in the waiting room for my meeting and I am not getting notified that they are there and as a result they waited 15 minutes and then left never getting into the meeting. I got notified for the other 15 people who successfully came into the meeting but the other 5 were stranded.  I checked all of my settings and they all seem reasonable as to letting people in the room and asking for notification when someone is in the waiting room.  How does this happen?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @nextstep 


Can you please check - Prerequisites for enabling sound notifications for meetings





Enabling sound notifications for meetings (


Warm Regards


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Also check Enabling and customizing the Waiting Room terms one more time which should fix the issue


 Enabling and customizing the Waiting Room (


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!

Warm regards



Hi Huma


Thank you for your reply.  I am not sure this addresses my issue.  I think it helps but does not directly address it.  

My issue is That people say they are in the waiting room but we do not see them to let them in.  When we create calendar invites in Zoom is their more than one link created that causes people to go somewhere else to wait.  This is really a strange thing that is happening.  The other day I went thru a whole webinar and people said they were waiting in the waiting room for 20 minutes and we did not see them.  Any thoughts on this strange occurrence.  There are times I get emails that people are waiting in my waiting room and I am in the meeting and I do not see them to let them in.




Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @nextstep 

Thanks for adding more light to your use case it was helpful,


Below are some of my suggestions for the same-

When creating Zoom meetings through calendar invites, confirm you're copying the actual meeting link from Zoom, not a generic calendar link. The generic link might lead to a pre-meeting webpage that doesn't connect directly to the waiting room this is all because of the Calendar Invite Confusion, I would say - else


Participants might be trying to join through alternative methods like the Zoom meeting ID or phone dial-in. While some Pro accounts allow bypassing the waiting room for these methods, double-check your settings to ensure they require waiting room admission


Review your waiting room settings within Zoom. Ensure "Enable Waiting Room" is checked and "Allow participants from authenticated domains to join without waiting" is unchecked (unless you specifically want them to bypass the waiting room).


Hope this helps - Happy to help further!!
Thank you very much and have a great one!

Warm regards



I had the same thing happen twice in the same week. 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer



Ask the people who could not get in to the meeting to give you the meeting ID they tried to attend. 
See if the meeting ID they have is the same meeting ID you were using and go from there with the investigation.



If my reply helped, don't forget to click the accept as solution button!