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Need Help with New Format for Scheduling Meetings


I noticed there is a new format for scheduling a Zoom meeting.   I used to be able to put the date and time in the initial screen and then it would take me to a second screen to put in the invitee email addresses.     The new format requires you to input invitee addresses on the initial screen but it doesn't seem to have all the previous email addresses stored.   It is very frustrating.  Maybe I am doing something wrong.   The new format seems to have started about a month ago.  Can someone give me some pointers?   Thanks, Rob


Contributor III
Contributor III

It sounds like you want to be able to have your contacts auto-populate when scheduling a Zoom meeting and typing in attendee email addresses. While I agree this is frustrating that it is not the case in the desktop app, there are a multiple of scheduling solutions that let you schedule Zoom meetings and auto-populate contacts. One option that integrates directly with Zoom and fills out previously stored emails is Salepager.