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Logitech Capture causes delayed video, possible cause of Zoom freezing


I need insight into use of my Logitech Brio software, called Capture.  It has clear compatibility issues with a Zoom session, and might be the cause of Zoom locking up altogether.  The two used to play nice, but apparently not any longer.  I really need to use Capture, for Zoom lacks several of its important capabilities.


1. Delayed video.  When Capture is used (it must be run before starting a Zoom session), the video is delayed as much as several seconds.  The delay varies from session to session, but is always present.  When not running Capture (choosing the Brio camera rather than Capture), there is a slight delay, but less than a second and grudgingly acceptable.


2. Zoom video freezes.  This behavior varies.  Sometimes the video freezes almost immediately, sometimes not for several minutes.  Ending participation and restarting the session restores video, but the problem reoccurs. This has become a regular thing, making my use of Zoom unreliable, and at best an annoyance to moderators who have to repeated allow me in.   Sometimes the grid video freezes but the featured-speaker window continues ... for a while.  This may not be related to Capture, as sometimes, when the Moderator changes screen modes, the return to grid mode restores video, for a bit.


By the way, when exiting and rejoining a Zoom session, the Save Chat feature works only for the new session. All Chat content from the previous participation is lost.


Versions of Zoom and Capture are fully updated as of Aug 2023.  Windows 10 64-bit.  Capture has been (supposedly) replaced by another Logitech program, but that program is related only to gaming and has none of the Capture capabilities. The Brio is a good cam of business grade, but their software and support are entirely inadequate for business use.