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I DON'T WANT ZOOM WORKPLACE - how do I turn it off?


I went into my Zoom today, which I use for personal reasons to stay in touch with family. I opened on my desktop, per usual, signed in, and it immediately took me to "Zoom Workplace" and all my scheduled meetings were gone. I had to go onto Zoom's website and login to my account there in order to find them. 


I do not want Zoom workplace.  I do not want to be charged for Zoom workplace. I don't want to have to sign in through the website. If I find out I'm being charged extra for a service I neither wanted nor use, I'm cancelling my account and moving to another online meeting platform. 


Does anyone know how to switch back, or have experienced this?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!!! Your recurring meetings are NOT GONE! In the meetings tab look at the very bottom of the window and you will see a link that says "Recurring (XX)" (where XX is the number of recurring meetings).


Zoom Workplace is simply the latest version of Zoom and offers numerous features in part includes to manage chatting before, during, and after, scheduling, calendaring, starting, and editing meetings.

View solution in original post



I, too, am frustrated! I have many scheduled meetings, several of which are set up as recurring meetings and they can no longer be accessed from Zoom client. So far I hate it.


Me too!  ALL my scheduled recurring meetings are GONE!  Fortunately, I have the Meeting IDs and Passwords, but this is NOT acceptable!  Zoom Powers That Be... PLEASE HELP!

I see complaints about zoom workplace that mirror mine but no solutions.  Someone help!!

ee very poorly thought out rollout.


Same here.  Never asked for Zoom Workplace and now it's listing my emails and giving me annoying pop-ups when I get an email, which I hate.  Make it stop!


I'm having the same problem.  Plus I can't reach a live person to help me.  Very frustrating!!


Yes! I'm having the same problem! I did have a tech from Hewlett Packard update my laptop a few days ago. But I don't want Zoom workplace either. Wondering if that's the reason??


Yes, it says it's the latest and greatest version, with a new name.  UGGG Really.  I say test your changes before you roll them out!

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!!! Your recurring meetings are NOT GONE! In the meetings tab look at the very bottom of the window and you will see a link that says "Recurring (XX)" (where XX is the number of recurring meetings).


Zoom Workplace is simply the latest version of Zoom and offers numerous features in part includes to manage chatting before, during, and after, scheduling, calendaring, starting, and editing meetings.


I can only see the Recurring Meetings.


I cannot see the Scheduled Meetings. 

I am the Hoist, & clicking on the Meeting Link is the fastest way to open the  scheduled meeting.


Thank you.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Scheduled meetings are now more organized. You can see any scheduled meeting by clicking a calendar day. TODAYS meetings appear at the top in the center pane or in the right hand pane. If you have HUNDREDS of scheduled meetings those for today and later on in the week are now shown chronologically. It is also possible to create desktop shortcuts that will sign in to the account and start a specific meeting. With additional skillsets Zoom can even be configured after starting the meeting from the shortcut that started the meeting.

That's all well and good for organisations but all I want to do is to 'copy invitation' to people I have occasional chats with, I don't need to link to a calendar, I don't need to schedule meetings. Before all I had to do was open Zoom and press the copy invitation tab for people to keep on their system. Now it seems I'm expected to schedule each meeting, what a waste of my time.


Thank you for this info. So can I safely assume that I’m not being charged for Zoom Workplace? If it suddenly appeared and I didn’t sign up for it? 

I checked what I'm being charged, and so far it's the same. Still, not a product that I wanted! 

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Zoom Workplace is simply Zoom version 6, which has lots of new features. This is NOT a different product, just the same product with major rather than minor changes.

For those of us who don't want Zoom listing our emails and providing pop-ups every time we get one, is there a way to go back to the Zoom of the past, which we simply used for video chats?


please let us know.

Ok. So it's a NEW platform with MAJOR CHANGES I don't need.


Keep saying it’s not different doesn’t change the fact that it is!  5heres no up 9ming meeting tab.  It continually says it’s unstable and cuts out.  I have to go between the PC and switch to the iPad to communicate in breakout rooms. The iPad still has an upcoming meeting button and doesn’t say the connection is unstable.  The platform also does not support Windows 11, just Google it and you’ll see.  It wasn’t broken until Zoom decided to fix it! 


Is there a way to go back to the old version? I use zoom to teach and practice yoga. The new visual set up is visually clunky for viewing from across the room. "classic" view does not change this.


Thank you for this response but it only worked ONE time. I tried to access my meetings last night and my recurring meeting was agin gone. Only one was listed. So I added the missing one again in Workplace (having given up and being quite desperate). The meeting now shows up but NOT ON MY PHONE OR IPAD. My meetings are in someplaces and not others. PLEASE HELP!

I saw the recurring meetings but if you edit any of them they disappear from this area but then show up as individual meetings.  I really wish you guys would thoroughly test stuff before you launch it.  send an email or make a statement you've change the XXX name so we know what's going on. Changing the placement of the button showing you are recording was just confusing and holds no purpose or benefit.   I still can't find where to access my personal meeting.  I use this, and now it's gone.  It works great not having to send out different links all the time especially with my clients.  WHERE CAN I ACCESS THIS? 

NOT TRUE!  Once you open or change a recurring event it no longer lists the event in this area.  This is a true pain and makes all of us setting up meetings look like idiots.  I went in to change my titles by clicking on the editing button.  Zoom decided to change the date and time which I didn't notice. EDIT means I make the changes I want not that Zoom can go in and do whatever it wants with my meetings.  I wanted to change the title as none I could read the full title and it didn't show the day and time for the reccurance.  Pretty important thing to show!  Please test and correct

I don't uise it for WORKPLACE-- I use it for fun. It gave we Woo Hoo active reactions but TOOK AWAY lots of other fun settings I used, like funny hats and various screen frames.

So how do I add an alternative host to the meeting? When editing the meeting, the advanced options to add alt host is gone. 


Not the issue, yes we can find a list of meetings looking at the bottom.  

What we no longer see is the MEETING ID NUMBER! Totally not helpful as one has to recall exactly what name went with what meeting, so when I try to find it using the meeting ID # that is listed on my calendar, I cannot do so.  I spent many minutes today looking for the right recurring meeting by starting and stopping the wrong recurring meetings.

Meeting ID implies one can see the ID, doesn't it?

P.S. I love recurring meetings, please don't remove them.  

Please put the recurring meetings back where they were! They're inconvenient to use now. The last thing we need when we're in a rush to get to a meeting is to click and look through an extra layer of meetings with a smaller, harder to read font. Extra clicking, harder to read for basic functionality. And please bring back the abilitiy to make recurring meetings *anytime* without having to make a special trip to

Don't give in to app bloat. Just keep it functional. Please.

I don’t seem to have a meetings tab!

Why is the Zoom Workplace window now hidden behind my taskbar?  It didn't do that until the upgrade.

How do I get the original Zoom back?  I can't copy meeting invitations.  I can't even find a Meetings tab???  What is going on?  Zoom - you can't just change things from one day to the next.  Im seriously considering using Teams going forward.

THIS IS NOT GOOD NEWS! I missed a meeting because of this nonsense.  This should have been a choice.  I can't see that little link that says recurring drowned out by a huge calendar.  I need my big list of links back. I have a huge list of recurring unscheduled meetings.  Such an inconvenience. This was a bad decision to make it a main userface.  I probably will not use Zoom when this sub ends.  What once was a great platform, is now something I dislike.  Please change back!


I appreciate the instructions. Thanks!  But many of us do not  like the new platform. I find it very clunky. I have Zoom through my employer for meetings....but I also pay for a personal account for meeting up with my friends and family. I don't need a "workplace" for that, and therefore automatically blanketing me with these features and without choice is not fair to all Zoom consumers.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

I manage 6 enterprise accounts each with multiple hosts and a personal account that has over 50 recurring meetings with friends plus numerous other meetings that we join. I have developed one click shortcuts on PCs, iPads, and iPhones that can join or start a meeting without having to sign in first.

I am now out of the US for the summer and I am still waiting, weeks later, for my Zoom account to be changed back to its original. I don't know how it was changed back to the original for some, but not for mine. Don't try to convince me this is better; just tell me what I need to do to get out of workplace, because I am not paying to use this for my workplace!!!

I've decided not to renew. I will go back to using the free version. Hard to believe that a $180/yr. subscription doesn't entitle one to live customer support.


Good morning!  So, today (Thursday, 5/9), I open up my Zoom, go to Meetings tab, and everything is back to NORMAL!  Hallelujah!!!  It did not say there was an update, but I don't care.  Its working now... I hope they were listening to us all and won't do that again!  🙂  Whew...  

Mine is still the same, unfortunately. It just started loading as "workplace" a couple of days ago. How long did you have to wait before it switched back to normal?