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I DON'T WANT ZOOM WORKPLACE - how do I turn it off?


I went into my Zoom today, which I use for personal reasons to stay in touch with family. I opened on my desktop, per usual, signed in, and it immediately took me to "Zoom Workplace" and all my scheduled meetings were gone. I had to go onto Zoom's website and login to my account there in order to find them. 


I do not want Zoom workplace.  I do not want to be charged for Zoom workplace. I don't want to have to sign in through the website. If I find out I'm being charged extra for a service I neither wanted nor use, I'm cancelling my account and moving to another online meeting platform. 


Does anyone know how to switch back, or have experienced this?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

GOOD NEWS EVERYONE!!! Your recurring meetings are NOT GONE! In the meetings tab look at the very bottom of the window and you will see a link that says "Recurring (XX)" (where XX is the number of recurring meetings).


Zoom Workplace is simply the latest version of Zoom and offers numerous features in part includes to manage chatting before, during, and after, scheduling, calendaring, starting, and editing meetings.

View solution in original post

148 REPLIES 148


Not the issue, yes we can find a list of meetings looking at the bottom.  

What we no longer see is the MEETING ID NUMBER! Totally not helpful as one has to recall exactly what name went with what meeting, so when I try to find it using the meeting ID # that is listed on my calendar, I cannot do so.  I spent many minutes today looking for the right recurring meeting by starting and stopping the wrong recurring meetings.

Meeting ID implies one can see the ID, doesn't it?

P.S. I love recurring meetings, please don't remove them.  

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Not sure why you are searching by meeting ID. Most people will use a user friendly description of what that meeting ID is used to accomplish. If you click on Recurring > then click the meeting name  you will see the meeting ID. If you want to make the user friendly name contain the meeting ID you can do that as well. Since the list is sorted, if you put the meeting id first in the name it will sort all recurring meetings by meeting ID. To edit recurring meetings go to the web portal.

Please put the recurring meetings back where they were! They're inconvenient to use now. The last thing we need when we're in a rush to get to a meeting is to click and look through an extra layer of meetings with a smaller, harder to read font. Extra clicking, harder to read for basic functionality. And please bring back the abilitiy to make recurring meetings *anytime* without having to make a special trip to

Don't give in to app bloat. Just keep it functional. Please.

I don’t seem to have a meetings tab!

Why is the Zoom Workplace window now hidden behind my taskbar?  It didn't do that until the upgrade.

How do I get the original Zoom back?  I can't copy meeting invitations.  I can't even find a Meetings tab???  What is going on?  Zoom - you can't just change things from one day to the next.  Im seriously considering using Teams going forward.

THIS IS NOT GOOD NEWS! I missed a meeting because of this nonsense.  This should have been a choice.  I can't see that little link that says recurring drowned out by a huge calendar.  I need my big list of links back. I have a huge list of recurring unscheduled meetings.  Such an inconvenience. This was a bad decision to make it a main userface.  I probably will not use Zoom when this sub ends.  What once was a great platform, is now something I dislike.  Please change back!

This is a very bad version. I want to see a list of my upcoming meetings, whether recurring or not. When I click on one of my meetings, I need to see its details. When I click on a meeting in the calendar, it does not allow me to start the meeting, or if it does, it's well hidden. Please fix this disastrous "upgrade"


I don't see any help in on the new Workplace screen.

Please allow us to revert to the previous version. This one is a catastrophe.

Why ruin an excellent product with things hardly anyone wants?

I don't want Scheduler and I don't want to pay for it.

Please can we go back.

This is not a solution to the question of how to get rid of the lates rubbish update.

I literally HATE this new format! I used to simply open zoom and click on my personal page or whatever its called and now I can't even find it!

This is not a solution

This did not answer the question. How do i get rid of it? I don't want it, don't need it and i am tired of putting up with all the bugs. It is hi-jacking my outlook mail and calendar. I need basic Zoom. How do i kill Workplace and get basic Zoom back? 

As of 19th July, that link at the bottom of the 'Meetings' window has now disappeared leaving no access to recurring meetings at all. 


I don't use Zoom scheduling, calendaring as I calendar elsewhere and don't see the need and I'm very frustrated with Zoom's constant fiddling with this feature - a feature that sits at the heart of my meetings. 

As of 30 July 2024 :This has now disappeared too! 

The original poster asked two questions. @storyhub you answered only one question; are scheduled meetings lost when upgrading to Zoom Workplace.


I'd like the other question answered. I, too, do not want to be charged for Zoom.  I don't use it enough to justify paying a monthly fee. I use Zoom less than once a year. So, is it possible to downgrade to just Zoom? And if so, how do I do that? If not, then I do I use Zoom Workplace so that I am not charged?

No, it is NOT GOOD NEWS! Zoom Workplace sucks like a giant Hoover. There is no Meetings tab at the bottom of the window, and regardless of whether it's a one-time or recurring meeting, even when I can see them, when I click on the listed event, it does not open the meeting: I was almost late for a scheduled consultation with a new client this morning. Zoom did a TERRIBLE job of rolling this out, and will end up having to restore some previous functionality. Yet another company deciding to ignore the needs of customers. 


This does not work. I am included as an attendee for a recurring meeting by someone else. The previous version of Zoom used to show this in my meetings list. Zoom for Workplace no longer shows this in my Meetings. I do not have a "Recurring (XX)" link in the bottom of the window either.


This is NOT good news. 

I want to go back to original zoom.  I have no desire to have this - I am not a business.  How to change it back?

Ok, so, I found that on my own just before, but... there is no record of anything I've done before. I have two recurring mtgs - a Level 1 and a Level 2. I literally just held a Level 2 today. And after it was over, I went to retrieve the list of registrants and it was gone from the list of mtgs. And then I saw the new "recurring mtgs" list at the bottom which is apparently where they are attempting to sort them. BUT.... my Level 1 is still listed as it had been before - even though that is also a recurring mtg. The big problem is, there is no record of what I've done so far in Level 2, and even the mtg i had 3 hours ago is gone and I have no idea who attended. What gives? 

It's simply a bad rollout. Non-corporate users should be forgiven for feeling like we've been collectively nose-thumbed! I didn't need nor ask for any of these features—I need my previously scheduled meetings to be where I expect them, when they're scheduled to begin. Hide and seek is an entirely different app! Turns out the Agile Manifesto was a declaration of war on endusers and common sense. Human/computer interface design was perfected 30 years ago, but the UX department needs something to do, so they'll keep throwing stuff at the customer wall and what we can't scrape off will stick, regardless.
Boo hiss to Zoom Workplace—and moreover, to the glue factory with the horse it rode in on!

This doesn't answer the question. How,, exactly,, do I get back to original Zoom? This probably works great for business, although given the comments maybe not, but it doesn't work for the rest of us - check the # of comments . 

And how do I stop workplace from automatically opening when I start my computer?  

Holy cow, what a mess of a rollout.....

You have to open Window's Task Scheduler to stop Zoom from automatically opening when you start your computer. There will be a folder in the Task Scheduler Library folder labeled Zoom. You can delete this or disable the task. It's safe to do this.  If you've never mucked about in Task Scheduler before, take a look at some on-line guides. 

Hey, Storyhub Champion, you are neglecting answering an important part of the question here - how can we NOT HAVE Zoom Workplace? How can we start meetings like we always did, and NOT HAVE the Zoom Workplace window even startup/display? What if, like a large percentage of the users here, we're not using Workplace, don't intend to, and don't want the extra window popping up over top of our meeting window. How do we disable this extra feature in Settings, and only enable Zoom Workplace BY CHOICE, if we decide we want to use it?

There is no place under the meetings tab on my zoom app that reads, "Recurring(XX)"

This is not what my Zoom app does. Making these changes without creating a means of support that is suitable for the User is unfortunate.

I believe I've found my recurring meetings. It appears to work. For me, it was when I was in the home tab. The section to the right that tells me about my upcoming meetings has, in very small print below, the meetings "reoccurring". I had to scroll down to find it, and again, the print was smaller than the rest of the print and lighter in color, so it wasn't obvious. Once I clicked on it, it gave me a small version of my recurring meetings. 

If somebody else finds it, it might be helpful to share a screenshot. I would do that, but my work is confidential, so I can't share my meetings with you all.

there is no such link at the bottom of the 'meetings tab'. I want to see my recurring meetings in the list. I just scheduled a new recurring meeting and it is present. Where is my long-standing meeting...the one that has been on the list for nearly FOUR YEARS!?


I don't see "recurring" since my zoom meeting is gone from my meetings list. I don't see a separate "recurring" tab at the bottom of my zoom window. I'm in Zoom online, not app. 



Hi @storyhub , unfortunately the "recurring meetings" section is not displayed at the bottom of my calendar.
I found a workaround that makes it visible.

1 - On the top-right dropdown where you select Day, Week, Month or Agenda, select Agenda.

2 - The footer with "Recurring (#)" is then displayed.

3 - Use the top-right dropdown to select the desired period (Day, Week, Month or Agenda).

4 - Now, regardless of which period I chose, the "Recurring (#)" session remains visible, but only until I close and reload Zoom Again.


This is very annoying, because I have to go through those 4 steps every time I load Zoom.



Zoom really screwed the pooch with this new version.  Frankly it sucks.  The prior version was easy to use, you could see all your scheduled meetings on a continuous page.  I am seriously going to receommend to the University that we look at MS Teams.


Zoom Workplace has made my, and others work more complicated. Our organization is looking at options. Why can't I go to "meetings" and copy the invitation and send it out like I used to?



I appreciate the instructions. Thanks!  But many of us do not  like the new platform. I find it very clunky. I have Zoom through my employer for meetings....but I also pay for a personal account for meeting up with my friends and family. I don't need a "workplace" for that, and therefore automatically blanketing me with these features and without choice is not fair to all Zoom consumers.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

I manage 6 enterprise accounts each with multiple hosts and a personal account that has over 50 recurring meetings with friends plus numerous other meetings that we join. I have developed one click shortcuts on PCs, iPads, and iPhones that can join or start a meeting without having to sign in first.

I am now out of the US for the summer and I am still waiting, weeks later, for my Zoom account to be changed back to its original. I don't know how it was changed back to the original for some, but not for mine. Don't try to convince me this is better; just tell me what I need to do to get out of workplace, because I am not paying to use this for my workplace!!!

Exactly. Help me get back to my personal Zoom account! 

That's great for you, but for people who use it recreationally(like me), it's really a mess. I use it to go to a couple of meetings a day that I don't have to run. I just sign on (as I did before) and I'm there. BUT, there's a whole lot of difficulty that's unnecessary now.