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Shut off preview window during screen share


In my webinar, when I do a screen share, in the top-right corner is a small window showing video.  Is there a way to NOT show that preview window during a screen share?  I've discovered that I can shut off my video to solve this problem but is there a setting somewhere that says something like "do not show preview during screen sharing"?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @Marc_Speth.


When you say “preview windows”, are you referring to the floating strip of attendee/panelist camera videos?


You are correct that there’s no way to just “make them go away” with a setting. And your discovery that you can turn off your video is fine, unless your attendees want to see you while you’re presenting. Consider setting the View (upper right of your screen) to one of the Side-By-Side options, if your main goal is to get the video out of the way of your presentation so you can see the full slide. If you have two monitors, the Dual Monitor option might also help you. In most circumstances, though, you will need to arrange windows the way you want them each time. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.