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Upcoming new minimum version for the Zoom clients

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi everyone!

~3 months from now on November 5th, all Zoom users will be required to update their Zoom client to version 5.8.6 or higher, in order to prepare for a new quarterly minimum version schedule. Afterwards, Zoom will require a new minimum version every 3 months (the first weekend of February, May, August, and November), and for each new enforced minimum version, we will also provide the next version Zoom will be enforcing and the exact date of that enforcement. 


This change is in line with industry practices and designed to help ensure that Zoom users receive the latest Zoom features, as well as any privacy and security enhancements we make to the platform.

For more information, please read through the Zoom Software Quarterly Lifecycle Policy


If you have any questions not covered by the policy linked above, post them below and I’ll try my best to answer.



Hey Bort--GREAT for all the new stuff. But when will zoom fix the problem with WINDOWS-10. Everytime I use zoom for my meetings and we use google docs, or any outside source the sound goes bad and a bubble comes saying we have low resources. Back when I had windows-7 executive for 7-years I NEVER HAD ANY PROBLEMS. Now I have 3-month old computer with windows-10 and I have nothing BUT problems. I have followed every instruction on the internet and I finally took it to my computer shop who said he gets 5-10 complaints a day about this problem. He said that ZOOM is a huge resource hog and until zoom fixes the problem there is nothing that can be done. My system is a Windows-10, 16gig ram, 256 SSD had drive and windows-home OS. I need some help here. I have submitted 3-requests and I have not gotten one single reply from zoom. I guess you are now like all of the have gotten so big that you don't care about the people who put you there!!! how about some help???

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @English-1 

Unfortunately, I cannot help with this issue directly, but if you'd like, I can get another Support ticket opened for you and ensure it gets a proper response and troubleshooting. 


Today my zoom client refused to work without upgrade to that version.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

This was likely caused by a different min version enforcement, which happened this past weekend. Info about that can be found here:


Today, for the first time, I had to manually  install the latest version, for being able to join a meeting.

In the past, all the updates were applied automatically.
Also, the "Check for Update" button is not available any more in the Zoom Client menu.
Is this indeed the way that the new policy is supposed to work ?!?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @iudith 

Needing to update after this past weekend was likely caused by a different min version enforcement, which happened this past weekend. Info about that can be found here:

As far as the Check for Updates option, that should still be available in the desktop client, unless it is managed by your IT team.  

In any case, let's see if we can get that Check for Updates option to appear again.
Since you're missing the Check for Updates option and on Windows, I'd suggest doing a quick uninstall with this uninstaller (this will do what is called a "clean uninstall"), restart the computer, and then re-install Zoom from this location: Hopefully with this sort of clean uninstall/reinstall your Check for Updates option will appear again. 


Hi Bort,


Does this mean the old chromeOS app will no longer work after 5th Nov? 


I ask as the new PWA Zoom app has many issues that make using it painful.  You have to turn on audio, turn on the video and mirror the video every single meeting as settings are not saved from one session to the next.  This feels like absolute basic functionality and I'm astonished it's not present.  At least SSO login now works, when the PWA was first went live that was broken and the app was 100% unusable.



Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @imh 

I've checked with the team responsible for the ChromeOS app and here is the plan for that app: 

  • In November, the legacy ChromeOS app will be no longer actively listed and searchable in the Google play store. Individuals who still have the direct download link or organizations who are centrally pushing it to their users can still install it. Additionally, the application itself will not be deactivated; individuals who still have the legacy app installed may still use it as they wish, though they do need to ensure it’s the last and latest version.
  • Early in 2023 (not exact ETA yet), the ChromeOS app will be completely removed from the Google store and every will need to migrate to the PWA. 

As for your issues with the PWA, it may be a browser cookie issue on your side, as those settings should all remain consistent between meetings for users at this point.


Hope that helps, but let me know if you have any questions!


Thanks for the update, it's good to hear we have until next year, as even clearing all cookies / browsing data / stored app data for all time in chrome has not fixed the issue with the pwa app.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

HI @imh 

If you're still having issues like this with the PWA, I'd suggest getting in contact with our Support team to investigate further. They can get into your specific needs and current configuration to (hopefully) find out what the cause is for the settings to not remain from meeting to meeting. 


Hello Bort,

Zoom builds since 5.11.3 do not recognize any microphone on either of my Mac Airs, one old, one newish. For details, see

5.11.3 upgrade, now zoom does not hear microphone - Zoom Community

As you'll see there, I've tried everything, yet no luck. The work-around at the moment is that I found a version 5.8.0 in my downloads, and it works fine for both my Mac Airs. In November I'll be out of luck. I'd be happy to use the latest version if it will recognize the microphone of my Mac Airs. Otherwise, my music teacher and I will have to find an alternative to Zoom. Can you help?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @Sollner01773 

Unfortunately, I cannot help with issues like this. I would recommend contacting Zoom Support, who can help troubleshoot the issue directly, and get our Engineers involved if needed. 


Hi Bort,

Thanks for replying. Contacting Zoom Support seems like the way to go, but I have had no luck contacting Zoom Support. I'm a Pro user, and my Profile says Licensed. When I look here:

it says licensed users on the Pro Plan can submit a ticket. But further down that page, next to the Submit a Ticket button, it says, "Users on Basic and Pro accounts can only submit requests for billing support." Several days ago I submitted a ticket anyway, but it has been ignored.

Further down on that page it says that licensed users can get Tech Support by phone, but as soon as I enter my Personal Meeting ID and host key, it hangs up on me (I tried 3 times), suggesting that in fact I can only get billing support by phone too. That leaves me with the Community. My posting with the link above has not received a response from anyone but me for 9 days.

I have never been so frustrated with any Tech Support. Can you tell me what am I doing wrong, please?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @Sollner01773 

No worries, accessing tech support can certainly be a maze. I've gone ahead and created a support ticket for you and someone from our team should be reaching out soon to help. 


Many thanks, Bort! You give me hope.

Hi Bort,

The good news is that your help put me in touch with Andrew H who solved my problem, and I was able to help out a couple of others on the Community with the same issue.

The bad new is that it's not just a matter of navigating the maze of tech support at Zoom. In fact, there is no tech support, even for Pro users. There is only billing support. The only hope is posting on Community, and there less than 5% of posted problems are resolved. Without your submission of a ticket for me, I would still be waiting for someone to reply to my Community post.

To be honest, as much as I appreciate your kindness, I find Zoom's attitude to user support appalling. I will have to consider alternatives going forward.




Hi,  I understand the minimum requirements, but we are still running some RHEL6 workstations and the only Client Zoom provides is 5.4.   Can we get a Zoom client to run on RHEL6?  We are in the middle of trying to upgrade to RHEL7, but so many dependencies...


Hi Bort: I am getting the error that I have to upgrade my current version 5.6.4 to 5.8.6 or higher. This error is coming when I try to enter a zoom meeting set up by a group ie church or some other group. To do this I upgraded by account with zoom to Zoom One Pro vs the free account. Does the One Pro automatically change my version to 5.8.6 or higher. I now pay an annual fee to go to the pro. How do I increase the version to 5.8.6 or higher to be able to open these meetings that I am being invited to? Need your help. Frustrated. 


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @eclinton 

No, upgrading your account type to Pro will not upgrade your app version to the proper version. 

To update your app, please refer to these instructions here:

As for the upgrade to your account, since that is not needed for updating the client, you can certainly reach out to Billing to request a refund. 


I am having trouble updating my version of Zoom from 5.6.4 to 5.8.6 or above. I changed my password  and it was accepted but when I try to install upgraded version, I keep on getting rejected when I try to put in my password. Can you open a tech support ticket for me. I need a live body on the phone or walking  me through this issue. Thank you Eileen 


Hi, I need help in making the changes so I can use zoom again.  I pay £14.39 per month and only use zoom 2-3 times a week for meetings with one, two or three people.

I don't understand computer language and simply download when asked.  But since the 5th it's not working anymore and I can't find a 'user friendly' invite as to what I need to change.  Help please.

I wonder if I should cancel my contract and pay what I've been told is a subscription fee???

Thank you in advance.



Hi 可以认识一下吗?




When I try to open Zoom, it says I need at least the 5.8 version to work. When I downloaded the most recent update, it tries to open my zoom app which apparently is outdated. The update doesn't install because my current zoom doesn't meet the minimum version? Please help!!


Hi Bort, I can not update zoom as it repeatedly requires more and more room on my computer and it is maxed out.  Is there a version that requires less memory.  It should not increase memory every time as that puts people in a bind.  Please advise.