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Ghost call that lasted 35,000+ minutes



We were recently charged with an overage fee of $ 1,150 in our Zoom Phone Metered Plan. This is not our usual monthly charge (which is ~$10 every month only), so I checked the report and I found an outlier: 1 single call that lasted 35,057 minutes or 584hours in one single call. I checked the user who allegedly made that call and said that she did not make that call. 


I compared two reports on the same duration which I downloaded from Zoom platform: One in user log, and another in Phone call report under billing. Both reports do not match. Only the billing report showed this 35,000+ minutes of call. 


I opened a ticket with Zoom to investigate and have the money refunded to us (because we were charged already), but until now, we have not received any feedback. 


Has anyone here experienced the same issue and how did you go about it? 


Thank you in advance! 


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi @Glad, welcome to the Zoom community! Did you open a ticket with Zoom support or Zoom billing? I'd say the best way to resolve your issue is to contact our billing department by opening a ticket using this link:

They will be able to assist you in resolving the billing issue. When you open a ticket, please make sure you are logged in with your Zoom account so we can access all the necessary data on our end. Hope this helps 🙂