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Zoom Rooms Auto Populate Microsoft Calendar Information


Purpose of this post:

Provide steps on how I was able to have a Zoom Room add its meeting details (URL, ID, passcode, etc.) to a calendar invite as either the sender or recipient. This post assumes you have already synced calendars from zoom to Microsoft and properly setup the Zoom Room in M365.


When I setup my Zoom Room, I wanted staff to be able to book the room through Microsoft Outlook with the following conditions happening automatically:


- Zoom Room would automatically start with out user intervention

- Zoom Room's meeting URL Meeting ID, Passcode, and dial-in numbers would be sent to guests in the calendar invite. 

  • Why would any of your staff know what this was if it was sent out automatically?

- The Zoom Room would auto accept meetings (done in m365 resource room setup)


The problem I faced was the Zoom Room would delete the details of all calendar invites when it auto accepted meeting room invites. Not sure if this is a default setting in M365 business or another admin enabled it at some point in the past. So this was a problem because Zoom Rooms won't automatically start a meeting and won't show the Start button on the tablet unless it has the meeting URL somewhere in the Zoom Rooms calendar invite. 


Here is how I got around this and also included are the M365 work flow rules I created so the Zoom Room calendar resource would provide meeting details to guest as sender or recipient.


Resolve issue with M365 deleting the Outlook details when the Resource Room accepts the calendar invite:


  • Open Powershell as admin on your computer.
  • Enter this command: Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName example @ exampleaddress . com
  • Enter this command next: Set-CalendarProcessing -identity "Name of the Resource mailbox" -DeleteComments $false


The next step is to add meeting invites anytime adds the Zoom Room as a resource in Outlook or uses the Zoom Room calendar to schedule a meeting.


Go to > admin > exchange > Mail Flow > Rules (As of January 2024)


Sending Room Invite from Outlook to Zoom Room resource:

  • Apply this rule if: The Recipient > is this person: use resource email address
  • Do the following:
    Apply a disclaimer to the... > append a disclaimer
    • Append: Type the message you want. I included the zoom rooms meeting URL and the meeting ID, passcode, and phone numbers. You can use HTML here for line breaks.
  • The fall back action is set to 'Wrap'

Sending Room Invite from Zoom Room's calendar to recipients:


  • Apply this rule if: The Sender > is this person: use resource email address
  • Mirror the other steps from the previous entry.