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Issue with Joining a Teams meeting in a Zoom Room


I've been having issues connecting to teams meetings in one of our Zoom Rooms. When we enter the teams meeting id the controller would just spin and never join and the TV itself is stuck on a white screen.



We have now resolved our issue. We upgraded the version of Zoom on the pc's we were running to the latest version. This resolved the issue

View solution in original post



Has anyone figured this out? This was working fine in our environment and suddenly all three Zoom Rooms show this behavior and can't join Teams meeting.

We have now resolved our issue. We upgraded the version of Zoom on the pc's we were running to the latest version. This resolved the issue


We are having exact same problem, been working fine then two of our Zoom rooms show this behavior, causing major issues. Any help appreciated

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hey @nancythomas @gnasution @els1 @Steven2000 welcome to the community! First I wanted to ask if your Controller and ZR have recently been updated? If not, could you attempt to upgrade the ZR that you're having issues with to the latest version available? 


Documentation on how-to 

Once you've confirmed you're up-to-date, and are still having issues try disabling and re-enabling Support Interoperability for Zoom Rooms having the ability to join a third party meeting from a Zoom Room


Let me know your findings when troubleshooting! 

Zoom Community Moderator

Have you heard about Zoom AI Companion? ➡️ Check it out!

I tried what you suggested and the issue persists. 

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hey @ITTri thank you for trying the suggested above! Do you mind giving a bit more info as to your setup? Needing info around what you're using as the PC, in terms of Zoom Rooms Appliance/PC/Mac and the type of Zoom Rooms controller you're using. Along with Versions and models would be helpful to determine your step! 🙂 Maybe thinking you would need to also update the Operating System in terms of your PC running the ZR and updating the OS on your controller, IF you have already updated the Zoom Room application. 

Zoom Community Moderator

Have you heard about Zoom AI Companion? ➡️ Check it out!

We have the Neat Pad and Neat Bar. We're using the zoom neat pad to connect to a microsoft teams meeting via calendar/meeting ID both don't work. 

Neat Bar Model: NF19A1
Neat Pad Model: NF19B1
Platform OS: 1.20240120.0109
APP Version Neat Pad: 5.17.5 (2521)
App Version Neat Bar:  5.17.5 (4402)

This just started today and worked fine yesterday. As far as I can tell no updates were made between the days regarding APP version and OS version. 

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hello @ITTri, thank you for the information! I went ahead and created a ticket for you, and you should be receiving an email about it being opened for you:) I have relayed the information we discussed in the ticket to the agent. I'll be watching this ticket, so please let me know if there's anything else I can do to help. I believe we may need to collect more logs and conduct additional analysis.

Zoom Community Moderator

Have you heard about Zoom AI Companion? ➡️ Check it out!

We have upgraded our zoom rooms up to date but facing same issue.
Could you please help us.


Also having this issue


we're having the same problem with some of our zooms running on older hardware.  The ones we've replaced work just fine.


So far the fix has been join manually with the info in the teams meeting invite, as the button on the controller to join doesn't work.

New Member
New Member

We also have the same issue. Can´t connect to Teams meeting with web client via the Join button or manually entering meeting ID/pw. 

We are using Logitech Tap IP with Roommate.