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Zoom app no longer works


I am dead in the water with zoom, cannot get into any meetings. I updated my app today on my computer, and now Zoom will not launch. I restarted my computer, shut down and restarted it. I uninstalled the app, and reinstalled the app. It will not open. I did this again, and same result. I used my web browser to log in, and joined a meeting. The video and audio were so poor that I could not hear anyone and they told me (by texting me on my phone) that I was frozen and they couldn't hear me well. I can't figure out what version I'm supposed to be on, and need help. I called for support, and even though I pay for the product, I am not entitled to phone support. Very frustrated with Zoom right now. Please help!



Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @DFiletti thank you for posting for the first time and welcome to the Zoom Community!


I'm really sorry to hear about the trouble you're having with Zoom—it sounds incredibly frustrating. Can you please provide us with the type of device that you are using (Mac/PC)? If possible, can you also please test on a different device so that we can start to isolate the issue? Thank you! 



Carla (she/her/hers)
Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

Hi Carla.  I have the same problem. Yesterday afternoon I used the Zoom Client to create a meeting on my desktop PC then last night when I started it up, the client auto updated, then wouldn't launch.  Rebooting, cycling power, and reinstalling Zoom did not help. I too am running Windows 10.  Now comes the reason for my reply straight to you: I suspect there is something in the latest version of the Zoom that requires some sort of hardware or setting that is not on older PCs.  I can not install Windows 11 on my PC because it requires a certain chipset (I forgot which one) and I could not run the virtual background in Zoom due to it requiring a certain chip or something (again, I forget what). You may want to start your investigation with this thought. Since other users have this issue with the latest release, I suspect you're going to get a lot of support requests. BTW, I eventually switched to my Windows 11 laptop which can run virtual backgrounds and, after it too upgraded to the latest version (one with the AI stuff) automatically after launching Zoom, it worked just fine.

EXACTLY! A week ago I could use Zoom on Windows 10, which is as up-to-date as that OS goes; and I can't load Windows 11 on my old hardware. Is Zoom now in cahoots with Windows and trashing the online teaching lives of those among us who cannot afford to upgrade our hardware? Can we start a class-action lawsuit? 

Having same problem on my pc with Windows 10 but cannot get into a meeting where all my associates had logged in with no difficulty. Just started happening this morning Wed 10th Oct as I ran a zoom meeting last night .  Tried all methods to resolve issue, via browser etc as the caller above had done. Nothing works. Zoom will not launch a meeting. I have two vital ones coming up this week. Please help.

Hi Carla,

Zoom clean did not work for me.  I'm still running 32 bit after 2 hours of cleaning, uninstall and reinstalling.


Thank you for replying. My computer is a PC, and I'm running Windows 10. I just tried installing Zoom on my phone and it connected through Google, I don't use my phone for much other than texting and phone calls. I prefer to use a computer for everything, not my phone. I can't tell if I installed the Zoom app on my phone or not. What else can I tell you that would help?


I am having a similar problem. I am on a Mac with Sonoma 14.0. 
Things work ok on Safari but on Chrome the Zoom sign-in page will not load. Just get the whirling ball. Been this way a few days.


Update to my post from last week.  I tried several times during to reinstall the Zoom client on my Windows 10 PC over the past week, but without success.  This morning I decided to try the 32-bit version and it installed and ran successfully.  Me thinks the Zoom auto update last week must have given me the 64-bit version and not the 32. So at this point I'm back up and running.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi everyone! I would like to apologize for the delay in responding to your issue/questions. I understand that your Zoom app fails to launch after installing the latest update. 

I see that you've already uninstalled/reinstalled the app to no avail. However, for us to identify where the issue is coming from, let's start by initiating the basic troubleshooting using CleanZoom. Normally, reinstalling the app fixes all issues and minor bugs.
The following steps should help get the old installation cleared and get Zoom reinstalled and working for you. Please run the CleanZoom and restart your device when it's finished. Once done restarting, please visit this link - to automatically download the newest version for you. Please install this version once downloaded. (Uninstalling and reinstalling the Zoom application)


Let me know if that helps! 

Carla (she/her/hers)
Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

DOES NOT WORK! Clearly, the latest update is using a feature(s) that are incompatible with Windows 10. Either give us a workaround or rollback the feature(s). To say that Zoom continues to work on Windows 10 is no true. Heck, I can't even get the latest version to execute in the startup menu.

Oops, replied to the wrong response.  Please see my message on your original response. 


The download above from CarlaA works after trying everything.


I got to the point of reformatting the hard drive to a new Windows 10 pro. Put in a meeting link to launch. Nothing after 1 second of busy circle. 


The fixed download was a smaller install size. Feel like a strip-down or older version. Since I don't need all the extra stuff. Just join a meeting. This is great and thanks, Carla.

Hi All - Padraic 2000 is correct, use the instructions and links from Carla A.  If you just go looking online for the Zoom application, you'll get a download called ZoomInstallerFull.exe - THIS DOES NOT WORK, at least for us Windows10 folks.  The link that Carla A gives you, has the ZoomInstaller.exe - this one does work.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer


I received this email today from Zoom,
I apologize for the delay in responding to your service desk ticket. We understand that your time is valuable and we strive to provide timely and efficient support to all of our customers. We have been experiencing higher than the normal volumes of inquiries, and we are working hard to address them all as quickly as possible. Rest assured that we have received your ticket and our team is actively working to resolve your issue.
I understand that you have concerns with the Zoom Application on your Windows Server. I am more than happy to help you with this.
Regarding this, this has been raised already with our Engineering team and they are already aware of this. This is a known incident. The fix will be included in the next version which will be 5.16.10 and is expected to be released on or before the end of this month. We do apologize for the inconvenience.
Thank you,

I am having the exact same problem. Most current version of the Zoom app is 5.16.6 (24712). When is the new version coming out that fixes this problem?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Per Zoom  "This is a known incident. The fix will be included in the next version which will be 5.16.10 and is expected to be released on or before the end of this month. We do apologize for the inconvenience."


if you install an older version of Zoom from here 5.15.11, it should work for you for now until 5.16.10 is released,


We are using v 5.16.2 currently with no issues in Windows Server 2019. Anything newer fails for us.

Wow - I downloaded 5.15.11 and it works like a charm! I will update to 5.16.10 once available. A most sincere thank you for your help. I have a big team call to host in a few days and I didn't want to have to try to do this on my iPhone! Thanks again - I really appreciate your help!