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The timestamp is disabled in recordings, yet it is continuing to appear in my videos after the meeting. How do I fix this?


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @RRPLMelendez thank you for your post here on the Zoom Community! Ok is this a cloud recording by chance? If so, can you please sign into the Zoom web portal and double check settings in your Personal Settings


If the timestamp box is unchecked, any FUTURE recordings should not have the timestamp.  Now, any recordings which have already been made will have the timestamp I believe. But any future ones should be set. You could always do a short recording just to make sure, and then sign into the Zoom web portal, click on Recordings (just above Settings), and delete your test recording. 


If this has answered your question to your satisfaction, please click the "Accept as Solution" button below but if not please reply and we can continue the  discussion. Thank you!


Hi! Thank you for the reply. That´s precisely the issue, the timestamp box is unchecked but the new video recordings (recorded from that moment forward, even today) are still showing the timestamp. I do use the cloud to save the recordings, but on the web portal settings, everything is configured right as I need.  

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Ok @RRPLMelendez thank you for that additional information, can you please double check your client settings to be sure you are not showing participant names at all times?


Just sign into your Zoom client, click "Home" at the top and then the Settings icon in the upper right


then click "Video" and make sure to uncheck the box for "Always display participant names on their video"



Can you try that and do a test recording? 


If this has answered your question to your satisfaction, please click the "Accept as Solution" button below but if not please reply and we can continue the  discussion. Thank you!

This was another bad answer.  It does not address the issue. Please just say you don't know or actually answer the question.  

Is there a resolution to this?  I am having the exact same issue.  I have the setting for timestamp off, and tried the other suggestion of turning off the setting about displaying the participant names and I'm still getting the timestamp.  I need to embed these videos elsewhere and this is setting me back...please help.

Thank you. Had the same issue, now it's fixed.


SETTINGS>Recordings>scroll down and uncheck.

I wish it were so. Mine's been unchecked since forever, and every recording still gets a time stamp.

Everyone has done this. Timestamp is still showing for everyone on this thread. I think this is a case that needs special attention, which no one seems to want to give. 

This was a horrible answer. Client already said they did all this. 


Hi there,

I have the same issue -- it only started recently that my recordings are all time stamped even thought the time stamped box is unchecked in my settings.

However I DO want to display my clients names at all times as I've always been able to do -- is there no other work around to allow up to display our clients names (people need this to remember each other's names) but not have the time stamp on our recordings?

Key point -- this has never been an issue until recently?

I'm experiencing the SAME issue!!! This is a problem as I need a clean recording!


Bump!   Also happening to me as well.  Please see examples...this is a huge problem for how we re-use content Post Recording.

BUMP - ZOOM Support, are you at least working on this?   If you need more examples I'm sure we can all provide them.


BUMP BUMPETITY BUMP, ZOOM! I sure hope you're working on this.

  1. Recording locally, no setting in sight speaking to time stamps
  2. I want and need my participants' names to show
  3. I really dislike the unasked for add-on in my saved recordings that students have long term access to.

Hope someone's minding the support desk and there's a fix on the way!



So it looks like no one really cares about our issue at all. Same issue here. I've tried everything. I'm really shocked that as big a Zoom is and the money they get from us every month we can't get decent support. Customer service is dead. 



Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @Canditj


 I just tested this on version 5.13.6 on a macOS machine and I am not seeing the issue. I can test on a Windows test machine that I have in my lab, but from what I can see this is working as designed. 




Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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