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Webhook events are not emitted in correct order in few cases

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New Member

We rely on webhook events to derive the number of calls waiting in the queue and show that information live as part of our dashboard.
However, on 11th September, we encountered a strange issue: the events were not emitted in order, resulting in incorrect calls waiting in the queue.


Please refer to the below events with the engagement ID. The timestamp is in PST.

  1. In this case, canceled event was emitted before the created event. How can task cancelled event be emitted before the task created event? The difference is 25 mins.
    contact_center.task_canceled, engagementID - -swBjBayTY6qn-nrSyP98A, queue - <queue_name> {"timestamp":"2024-09-11 09:22:53"}

contact_center.task_created, engagementID - -swBjBayTY6qn-nrSyP98A, queue - <queue_name> {"timestamp":"2024-09-11 09:47:53"}

2. In this case, the call was an outbound call. We received engagement started event 25 mins after the task created/reservation accepted event. Why was the engagement started event emitted at the start of the engagement?
contact_center.task_reservation_accepted, engagementID - bcwqoBh3SFKJQftnwRbSkQ, queue - <queue_name> {"timestamp":"2024-09-11 09:32:26"}

contact_center.task_created, engagementID - bcwqoBh3SFKJQftnwRbSkQ, queue - <queue_name> {"timestamp":"2024-09-11 09:32:27"}

contact_center.engagement_started, engagementID - bcwqoBh3SFKJQftnwRbSkQ

{"timestamp":"2024-09-11 09:57:32"}