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Salesforce Integration - Meetings creating new events instead of relating to original events


We are wanting to relate meeting recordings to existing events in Salesforce instead of the Zoom integration creating duplicate events.


Scenario:  We have meetings scheduled externally (through Chilipiper) and this creates an event to our lead in Salesforce.


Question:  After the meeting, is there any way for the Zoom integration to get the meeting details (recording url, etc.) related back to the original event that Chilipiper created as opposed to creating a new event record?


If not, is there a way to 'merge' the Meeting information that the integration creates in Salesforce with the original externally scheduled 'event'?  I'm thinking of creating a flow to re-parent/relate the Zoom data to the original event for the account, but I would need to know how the data relates between the objects in the installed package and the standard 'Event' object in Salesforce.  Could you provide me with that information?


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi @JonathanTurner - I would recommend our Zoom Developer's Forum for this. Below are also some resources that you can reference to in regards to Zoom integrations.



I've installed the Zoom Salesforce Integration and have 'Zoom Meetings' records generating in Salesforce for myself and another user.  I'm yet to see how/where I can access the zoom recordings.  The 'Zoom Meeting Detail' in the Salesforce Events shows plenty of detail, but all show 'No Recordings' where the recording info should be listed.


Also the last recorded meeting my user had today doesn't appear in Salesforce at all (No Zoom Meeting record was created in Salesforce).  But a quick meeting that the user had with me after this scheduled meeting, did create a zoom record (so it's working), but why didn't it work yesterday!?

This comes down to the integration between Zoom and Salesforce. Zoom provides a robust API but it sounds like there is a gap in the logic in the Salesforce integration with regard to handling cloud recordings and associating them with an event. You could use API to ensure the recording is matched the appropriate entry. If you are not a developer there is a marketplace app, Salepager, that lets you associate Zoom recordings with their corresponding meeting/ event and organize them.