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Problems with Power Point presentation


Hi, can`t find the reason why when I share screen with a Power Point Presentation from my side everything looks ok but the other participants can´t see the slides as I change them... it keeps frozen in the same slide for them while for me the slides are changing and/or the video playing. Thanks for your help!


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi @ARS1 

Sorry, you have this problem.  Often it is because Zoom is sharing the wrong PowerPoint window, and you need to stop sharing and check which slide window you share.
Playing videos in PowerPoint can also be a problem.

if you have a low-power laptop, then dealing with all the video screen sharing and playing videos can be difficult.
It is best to set it up next to another PC and then try the screen share option so you can see exactly what the other person sees when you share.


all the best


John Drinkwater


I’ve had similar issues with PowerPoint presentations on Zoom, and one thing that helped me was reformatting the slides. Sometimes, it’s worth checking if there’s a problem with the presentation design itself. For a more polished look and better functionality, consider using professional pitch deck service. You might find some useful tips at SlidePeak’s pitch deck design. Also, ensure your Zoom and PowerPoint software are updated to the latest versions, as compatibility issues can cause problems.