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IOS audio level 0 not supported


I've been successfully hosting hybrid Zoom meetings with my Mac laptop, iPhone, and iPad all connected in the same room for 4+ years. One for the speaker video and room audio, one for the class video, and one for me to control the session and share docs on the screen. Only 1 of the 3 devices is connected to audio--to avoid feedback.


Until this month. Now, I get a message that Zoom is unable to turn volume to 0 on iOS devices. And the phone and tablet now give low volume feedback during our meetigs. What changed and how do I avoid this problem?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

hi @Roger-S ,

This is an issue with the Mac operating system that it won't let us turn the volume to zero. When I use my iPad as an extra account for a meeting, I disconnect the audio so it does not give me that echo effect.


all the best


John Drinkwater


hi @ExpertswhoJohn , is it possible to change the default settings on my iPad so that meetings always start with the audio disconnected?

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Yes @Roger-S ,


Firstly, you can create meetings and, in the options, set the meeting to mic off to start.

On your iPad, in your options, you can click on the meetings section and choose to have your microphone muted by default. You can also default to video off.


all the best



False info followed by “answering” a completely different question than was asked.  


It isn’t the OS, it is Zoom refusing to use the tools the OS provides to turn the volume to zero. Hard to say if it is incompetence or nefarious, but given Zoom’s track record it is more likely to be something not in the user’s best interest.


For this question, no, it is not possible to automatically join a meeting with audio disconnected or muted. You can mute YOUR mic, but you are forced to disconnect  the meeting audio manually every time via the three dots More menu in lower right. After disconnecting, an icon to rejoin will appear on the lower LEFT.