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Disconnect passes Host to others is a problem


I feel that if Zoom were smart about this they would add an option to recognize the host and re-assign the host priviledge back automatically after a disconnect. This is the only thing I find is actually BROKEN about zoom. Having to come back in and hope that the student behaves (ie doesnt sabotage the meeting settings while I'm gone), or even is actually present or figures out how to use the options to pass the host back. This can be tough when teaching the entry level IT classes and the student barely knows how to even use the computer. Zoom has given me nightmares about getting behind in recording lessons because the student can't pass the host back after my internet disconnects for a few seconds.... Why would a random participant need to be host anyway? If the host disconnects without passing cohost or host, then it should wait for their return.


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

@TeachIT I can certainly understand how worrisome that could be if you can't take host privilege back!

The Zoom platform is configured so that when you join back in you will take host control. You need to make sure however, that you are signed in to your Zoom account to ensure that the meeting knows who you are. 
Without being signed in, we assume you are another participant and can't provide host privilege. 

That being said, I would also suggest assigning a student who can be trusted co-host at the start of your meetings (if possible) that way if you lose connection that user will be the one made host. So if you have issues and aren't signed back in when rejoining, this participant can give you full host control. 

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @TeachIT 


Every meeting has to have a host to ensure that someone controls the meeting.  However, if you are the original host of the meeting and still logged into your account, you should definitely be able to claim the host role back.  This can be achieved by following the steps described in this article. 


Using your host key – Zoom Support


Have this answered your question? If so, don’t forget to mark the reply as an accepted solution!


In short:

  • If a participant has claimed host of someone else's meeting (or a panelist in a webinar) and the original host joins while signed in to their account, the original host will be given the option to reclaim host controls or allow the current host to retain host controls. If the host reclaims host controls, the former host will be demoted to a participant. The host can then promote them back to host or co-host, if they wish or need. This option to claim host or remain participant/panelist requires version 5.8.3 or higher. 


This is exactly the problem. No one thinks its a problem. I;m signed in, of course. It never gives me the host back automatically. Also, passing host automatically is not smart, nor is assigning to a trusted user. Just make the system be able to handle not having a "host" for a longer period of time then like 10 seconds. Usually a disconnect is resolved within a minute or two. It's just not designed well in this regard.

@TeachIT If you are signed in and not reclaiming host automatically, this may need a more in depth look from our support team and urge you to reach out via one of the methods listed here to have them look at your meeting IDs and the user you are signed in as. 

If you are the organizer of the event, you should reclaim host when you rejoin. As @pieterbotes mentioned, you can also use your host key to reclaim host if need be. 

I certainly agree that passing the host randomly in certain situations can be troublesome. If you are prone to network disconnects and issues, I would certainly designate a student to sit as co-host in case something happens. 
For reference, we will pass host first to the first joined co-host if applicable, then if no co-hosts are available we'll assign host to the first person who joined that exists on the same account as you (they need to login to be passed) and then we'll pass it to the first person who joined that isn't on the account or isn't a co-host if those conditions can't be met. 
So we'll try to make sure that anyone who is on the same account will be given it first in order of who joined, and then if that isn't possible we'll go by the order the rest of the users joined. 

We would love to hear your feedback and suggestions on how we can best handle these types of situations. Please feel free to submit your feedback here: