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Automatically Save Closed Caption Transcript


The Auto-Generated Closed captions are a very useful tool on meetings, and I know that we have the ability to save the transcripts. I would like to see an option to automatically save the transcript of meetings, differentiated based on whether I am a participant or host. Or at least a prompt. As it currently stands if I forget to save the transcript before I leave a meeting there is no way to recover it. 




Yes, I do that and click on my profile picture but there is no Help option there....Marilyn (no e)

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hi @marilynejackson

You may need to enable the feedback feature. You can check this article on how to enable it on an account, group, or personal level. 

Zoom Community Team
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Zoom Transcript and Chat enhancement suggestions
In a meeting which is configured so that ordinary participants can see and save the transcript, when a participant clicks the "Save Transcript" button, he should be presented with four checkboxes labeled as
  • Save now
  • Save every <number> minutes

(where <number> is an integer entry field accepting values from 1 to 999)

  • Save when I leave the meeting
  • Save when the meeting ends
(where all possible combinations of the checkboxes are permissible)
and a button (labeled something like "Save" or "Submit" or "Do It", etc.) which will record and implement the selections made with the checkboxes.
Similarly, in a meeting which is configured so that ordinary participants can see and save the chat, when a participant makes the "Save Chat" selection, he should be presented with five checkboxes labeled as
  • Save now
  • Save every <number> minutes

(where <number> is an integer entry field accepting values from 1 to 999)

  • Save every time a chat entry is made or edited
  • Save when I leave the meeting
  • Save when the meeting ends
(where all possible combinations of the checkboxes are permissible)
and a button (labeled something like "Save" or "Submit" or "Do It", etc.) which will record and implement the selections made with the checkboxes.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @DavidMR


This is not the feedback channel. We do have a support article that shows how to provide Feedback to our support team and product team. Please use that forum to provide feedback. 

Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?

Hi Brandon (YaBoiB),


I think (or at least, I hope) I submitted the suggestion through the Feedback mechanism accessible via the desktop app. The reason I entered it here was to have a discussion with the user community - to see whether there is support for the idea, whether anyone can suggest ways to improve the suggestion, whether there are any downsides that someone can call to my attention, whether there is any known workaround for accomplishing this function without Zoom having to implement the proposed enhancement, etc. That is, to brainstorm with other users to make the best proposal (that will help as many users as possible) to the Zoom product team.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @DavidMR


 It is a viable use case. I do not use transcripts in my job here at Zoom, so I do not have any valuable feedback to offer you, but I am sure the community may have some. Although, I recommend that you might want to start your own post, you linked on to a somewhat older post, so I am not sure how much "feedback" you will get. I cannot do it tonight ( it is 9:30 pm here) but I will look around internally tomorrow and see if we have anything on the roadmap for transcripts. It is possible/plausable that other customers are thinking along the same lines as you. 

Brandon (he/him/his)
Zoom Community Champion
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