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40 minute limit


I have the basic license and have been using it for years.  I only meet with one person at a time and all of a sudden I am being limited to 40 minutes.  Why is this happening today?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Please see this post for information

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hi @KatyODonnell ,

New rules went into effect for free accounts on May 2nd, you can check the link below for details:


Here are all the details:

May 2, 2022 - Free account meeting duration changes – Zoom Support


Zoom is making a big mistake here for people like me who only zoom one person once a week or once a month.  Here's an idea.  Create a new Basic Basic where you can zoom with just one person for free unlimited time, instead of pushing us into a Pro category at $15.00 a month.  I talk to my sister for an hour once a month.  You really want me to pay $15.00 every time I call her? 


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

It’s free. You can’t talk 30 minutes then reconnect for another 30 – for free?


So many complaints here, like Zoom is going to lose a lot of money if they don’t give the free account users back their full free ride. They’re losing nothing – and will probably save a lot of money by not having to keep all the extra servers and bandwidth running.


 I’m sympathetic to money issues. I’m just saying you can make a small adjustment and get by. 

There is one more option few people have figured out. Have a relative or friend with a Pro account all to themselves?  Ask them to put you on their account – and to leave you in as a Basic/Free user. Apparently if you do that, you can have your longer 1;1 talk time back … for now. Just please don’t complain to me in 6 months or so if Zoom changes that policy too. I’m trying to help out here. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.

Use WhatsApp instead, but I suppose the owner of both these apps will do it to WhatsApp as well.