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Difficulty showing MP4 short videos - screen sharing

New Member
New Member

I am trying to show a 4 minute mp4 video with sound to a group of people via screen share (as part of a workshop/lesson) The video is stored on my google drive and  i play it off there and hit screen share. 


It is clear for me but glitchy, very glitchy, for the rest of the group.


Any ideas?


Thank you 🙂


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hello @paulf101 
There could be many things from Internet Performance, Computer resources, or maybe you have a settings in your Zoom App limiting the Frame-Rate; I would recommend try something, and check a few things.

  1. Download the Video locally to your computer, and play it from there to verify if it makes any difference.
  2. Check in your  "Zoom App > Settings > Share Screen > Advanced > Limit your Screen shared to 'x' frames-per-second" is disabled.
  3. While in a Zoom Meeting, and before sharing anything, check in your "Zoom App > Settings > Statistics" to verify how it your Overall CPU and Memory utilization:
    • if it shows a warning (Yellow, Orange or Red), computer resources could be the culprit of your issue.
    • Check also the other tabs (Audio, Video, Screen Sharing, and make sure you have barely any packet loss (if anything);  also any  value of Jitter over  40-50ms is problematic and also most likely the cause.
  4. Now, Start Sharing and Play the Video, and to the same checking done on the previous Step 3 and verify the values, including 
    • Results values shouldn't be too apart from the previous test.

Let us know how it goes.

