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Right-panel/Agenda missing events from non-primary Calendar


Hi all! I've connected Zoom with Google Calendar. I have a handful of calendars, multiple of which may have Zoom events. However only my primary calendar events will show in the right-panel/agenda view on Zoom desktop.


I can't upload images to show what I'm talking about so I'll do my best to describe it. From the Calendar tab in Zoom, I can see there are multiple calendars from Google sync-ing over. I have multiple events with Zoom links today spanning multiple of those Google calendars. However only the events on my primary calendar show in the right-panel that lists out the events (It's like an agenda view for today. It has a beach umbrella icon if there's nothing.) My primary calendar is my work calendar, so I see work Zoom events. But my secondary calendar is personal, which may still have Zoom links. Those aren't showing up in that agenda panel.


My question is - is there a setting with Zoom or something I can do differently with how I manage those events on my non-primary calendar to show up in that agenda list? They appear in Zoom to have a different "host" which I think is why they aren't showing. But the "host" is just the name of the calendar.


Hopefully that all makes sense. I'm happy to clarify if anyone has questions.



Same problem for me. This hadn't been an issue before. Any solution?