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Sponsor/Exhibitor Co-Host Permission Issue in ZOOM EVENTS




I am currently experiencing what seems like a permissions design or technical issue with a Zoom Event. I have a few sponsors and exhibitors and each of them is permitted access to attend all the sessions. In both webinar and meeting sessions for our multi-session event, whenever these accounts join they are AUTOMATICALLY made a co-host, which creates an administrative burden to the actual meeting host to then have to remove them from that role, PLUS lots of confusion for our sponsor/exhibitor contacts who simply want to attend educational sessions NOT co-host them. Zoom chat support has left me hanging on this and I'm wondering, is this a tech issue for our event, or simply an error in design of the Zoom events program??

Reading through permissions how-to's it seems that exhibitors should only be able to host their OWN sessions in the expo booth or ones that we have assigned them to specifically, but this is not what we are finding in practice.  


If you've had a similar issue and found a solution I would love to know! The settings are hard to navigate but as far as I've checked only a couple of sponsors have speaker roles on a COUPLE of sessions. 🙈


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

im not familiar with this issue but happy to test it out with you.  feel free to reach out.

Denise Lahat
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I am having this same issue. Exhibitors and their representatives can get into the "backstage" and are a co-host when they just want to join the session as an attendee.

Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hello, @officemanagerTX and @lb22,


Welcome to the Zoom Community! We're glad to have you here.

I do apologize for the late response. Our engineering team has identified this as an ongoing issue and I have added yours to the ongoing investigation. 

We'll keep you posted once we get an update.

For now, thank you for your patience.

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Community Moderator | Employee
Community Moderator | Employee

Hello there,

We're sorry for the wait. We just received an updated from our engineering team that a fixed has been released for this issue. Kindly update your app and let us know if it has solved your concern or if you need further assistance.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.

Zoom Community Team
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