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missing scope in api call though scope is included


trying to get data on meetings usage
from api
using power BI protyping in curl 
getting error {"code":4711,"message":"Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[report:read:user:master]."}

but it is in the list of assigned scopes
What is wrong?


> curl -X POST -d "grant_type=account_credentials" -d "account_id=Dlla_6qTQRS6cwToesZlEQ" -H "Authorization: Basic <<xxxx>>==" ""
{"access_token":"<<yyy>>","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":3600,"scope":"user:read:list_users:admin user:read:user:admin user:read:pm_room:admin user:read:settings:admin user:read:summary:admin user:read:presence_status:admin user:read:personal_note:admin meeting:read:list_meetings:admin meeting:read:meeting:admin meeting:read:list_registrants:admin meeting:read:registrant:admin meeting:read:list_registration_questions:admin meeting:read:list_polls:admin meeting:read:poll:admin meeting:read:invitation:admin meeting:read:past_meeting:admin meeting:read:list_past_instances:admin meeting:read:list_past_participants:admin meeting:read:list_poll_results:admin meeting:read:survey:admin meeting:read:participant:admin meeting:read:participant_feedback:admin meeting:read:alert:admin meeting:read:device:admin meeting:read:chat_message:admin meeting:read:local_recording_token:admin account:read:sub_account:admin account:read:settings:admin account:read:account_setting:admin webinar:read:list_webinars:admin webinar:read:webinar:admin webinar:read:list_past_participants:admin zoom_events:read:list_hubs:admin zoom_events:read:list_hub_videos:admin report:read:list_users:admin report:read:billing_invoice:admin report:read:billing:admin report:read:cloud_recording:admin report:read:daily_usage:admin report:read:meeting:admin report:read:list_meeting_participants:admin report:read:list_meeting_polls:admin report:read:user:admin report:read:operation_logs:admin report:read:user_activities:admin report:read:upcoming_meetings_webinars:admin report:read:webinar:admin report:read:list_webinar_participants:admin report:read:list_webinar_polls:admin report:read:webinar_survey:admin report:read:meeting_activity_log:admin report:read:list_users:master report:read:cloud_recording:master report:read:daily_usage:master report:read:meeting:master report:read:user:master report:read:operation_logs:master report:read:list_webinar_participants:master report:read:meeting_survey:master report:read:meeting_activity_log:master team_chat:read:channel:admin team_chat:read:list_bookmarks:admin contact:read:list_contacts:admin device:read:command:admin cloud_recording:read:list_account_recordings:admin cloud_recording:read:list_user_recordings:admin cloud_recording:read:recording_analytics_details:admin cloud_recording:read:recording_analytics_summary:admin cloud_recording:read:recording_settings:admin cloud_recording:read:list_recording_registrants:admin cloud_recording:read:list_recording_files:admin cloud_recording:read:recording:admin cloud_recording:read:registrant:admin cloud_recording:read:archive_files:admin archiving:read:list_archived_files:admin archiving:read:archived_files:admin archiving:read:archived_file_statistics:admin archiving:read:archive_files:admin information_barrier:read:list_policies:admin information_barrier:read:policy:admin zoom_events:read:list_hub_hosts:admin","api_url":""}

>curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer <<yyy>>"
{"code":4711,"message":"Invalid access token, does not contain scopes:[report:read:user:master]."}



Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@joemcal - The "Master" scopes are only applicable if your application is running in a parent account with sub-accounts underneath it.  It can be confusing since you have applied the scope, but if the account doesn't have sub-accounts, it would not have those scopes available and therefore the API can't use them.  Can you verify if the account you loaded this to has sub-accounts?


Sorry I've misunderstood what the difference between master and admin is.
The account doesn't have sub-accounts, I misunderstood and thought as its an admin account all other accounts were "sub-accounts": Oh dear back to the drawing board 😀
thanks for your help
basically i'm just trying to automate getting the stats from the 1st line of the dashboard
is there an api/apis  that does/do this?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@joemcal - Can you be a little more specific on what information you are referring to as "the first line of the dashboard"?  I have several tabs in my dashboard, and the first line is a header in most of them, so example data or specific information will help.

thank you colegs

its the top line of the usage data tab

so its the 

1) overall user stats - actve users, newly registered and in total 

2) Meetings - total, meeting minutes and participants

6) Webinars - total, meeting minutes and  participants

7) Recorded storage - used and total storage allotment


my boss manually enters these each month into a spreadsheet

and i've been tasked with automatically doing this


thanks for your help in advance


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

thanks very much for the information

the recording storage works perfectly thank you

But getting a couple of issues
so can i ask?

1) Can i get a report like daily but that i can specify a date range for more information than a week?
2) The webinars command is only bringing back 1 record rather than the 305 webinars the dashboard usage data tab shows

thanks again

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

1) That should pull all meetings for the month specified.  Did you validate with a previous month to see if you retrieved the full month?

2) Without knowing your parameters and data, I cannot tell you why the data was limited, but it sounds like you do not have the full range specified.