since ‎2022-10-04

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  • 10 Posts
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Our Zoom Rooms are crashing across our environment...anyone else seeing this behavior? Message=Faulting application name: ZoomRooms.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x66618dcbFaulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 10.0.19041.4522, time s...
Hey All...wondering if any of you have had sound quality complaints using the Poly VVX450 Phones? I have users complaining that calls are of poor sound quality and they frequently have to call callers back...I have checked the MOS scores for calls an...
We are wanting our users cell numbers to show up on their Zoom contact card...does any one know the AD mapping that would pull this over for us?
Has anyone done this? can you share your configs? page about templates ^
Enterprise Folks...How often do you update your minimum versions...and do you stay bleeding edge (right up to date with release) or cutting edge (1 version back) or back a few versions? How did you determine your schedule for this?Do you run into any...
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