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Contact request


Hi there! 


I'm having trouble with receiving contact requests. They said they sent an invitation but I'm not receiving any notification. And when I send an invitation it seems like they don't get one as well. Can anyone please help? Thank you! 


Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

@Oo__eVe Can you please verify where you are looking for the invitations?  They should show up on your chat page at the upper let, there is an icon for Contact Requests.  If you are not seeing there, can you please verify what version of the client you are using?


I am also not receiving them - not sure what you mean by 'chat page' please direct me from the dashboard - I have a pro account


Hi @Michelle_P ! If you open the Zoom desktop client, it should look like this: 


Screen Shot 2022-07-25 at 10.34.34 AM.png

Zoom Community Team
Have you heard of Zoom AI Companion?


I have the Pro Plan.


I have sent contact requests by going to Contacts -> '+' button on upper left hand corner -> selecting 'invite a Zoom contact' -> adding the email and clicked invite.


I have checked my team chat next to 'contact requests' on the left hand side and there are no notifications there or in my upper right hand notifications bell icon.


I have tried several times. I have uninstalled and reinstalle dit on my computer and it is still not working.