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Chat Jumps Around


Hey Fam

I have long had an issue with the chat window jumping around whenever a new message comes in, or trying to scroll around. It never scrolls fluidly, jumping around as I get toward the end of the messages. This makes it very difficult to read the messages, obviously, and is a frustrating hindrance to communication. 


This has happened for years, across devices and versions for me. I see *some* mention of related issues in the forums, but not a lot. Please advise!


Thank you!



I have the same experience. It sucks. Just wanted you to know you're not crazy!!

Thank you! I have never heard anyone else talk about this!


I was just on a Zoom (via browser) with over 50 people, the chat was jumping around so much it was driving me crazy and it was so difficult to follow the chat while paying attention to the talk as well.


I have a feeling what was happening was that it kept scrolling back up to previous chat posts whenever someone emoji reacted or replied to it. When there are over 50 people on the call all reacting and replying at different times, this becomes an awful experience.

I think the following would be better:
- If you are on the bottom of the chat feed, to automatically update to the newest chat message at the bottom (not replies)
- If you are not at the bottom (i.e. catching up on previous posts), have the notification for new messages and scroll down to the new messages upon clicking on the notification

It's the "new meeting chat experience" which they've made the DEFAULT instead of allowing everyone to choose to enable this or not. The threading/replies is ridiculous for those of us who use this for hundreds of attendees who are fairly active in the message chat. Sometime in the last year, they removed that setting (even though their help document still reflects it) and we are STUCK. I hate it so much.


The jumping chat is a huge pain. It's happened since I added the Tactiq Ai add-on to Chrome. That you've had it for years is daunting. I have a screen recording but it tells me I'm not allowed to share.



Yes, I experience the same thing. I participate in groups that are very active in the chat. This scrolling behavior makes the chat totally unreadable, so I miss out on a lot of communication. It's a totally miserable experience. The leading video conferencing company should be absolutely ashamed that they can't even handle instant messaging.

I'm using Firefox on Windows. It's been like this for as long as I've been using Zoom (about 8 months).