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Companion Zoom Rooms losing pairing


On 2 different Companion Zoom Rooms configurations, we have noticed that the paired Companion Zoom Room is losing its pairing, despite the setting on the host Zoom Room: Remain paired until manually unpaired.


Are there "sleep" settings, on the Companion Zoom Room or host Zoom Room, to be aware of that could be causing this issue?


The affected configurations are:

1. A Neat Board paired to an integrated room

2. A Logitech Rally Bar connected to a Samsung 75" touchscreen paired to an integrated room.

Please advise if any further details may be needed.


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Gonna need all the details for "an integrated room" - hardware, OS, ZR version, etc.


Also, the settings in your screenshot are for a portable companion ZR. Is this what you're actually trying to use, or do you want a standard "Companion Zoom Room"?

As usual, Zoom's documentation leaves much to be desired, but please peruse the article below:


Room 1:

  • Integrated Zoom Room:
    • Logitech Roommate, CollabOS 1.13.124
    • Zoom Rooms 6.1.10
  • Hard-coded companion Zoom Room
    • Logitech Rally Bar, CollabOS 1.13.127
      • Connected to a Samsung WM75B
    • Zoom Rooms 6.1.10


Room 2:

  • Integrated Zoom Room:
    • Lenovo ThinkSmart Core, updated WinIoT
    • Zoom Rooms 6.2.7
  • Portable companion Zoom Room
    • Neatboard, Neat OS Version: 24.6.0
    • Zoom Rooms

Though the Room 1 configuration may not completely meet the minimum requirements as outlined in the documentation, it appears to me that the Room 2 configuration does meet the hardware/software requirements. However, both rooms are experiencing the same issue.

I'm inclined to believe that there may be some Sleep settings at play, but I have yet to figure out the right combination of settings to make the room behave properly.

I will update the software in the Room 1 configuration to the minimum stated requirements in the documentation and perform further testing.