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Zoomphone. How to change the language of the automatic voice?


Whe use Zoomphone and Integrate Calls in current Zoom-Meetings. When a person participating per Phone-Call presses *6 to mute or unmute or *9 to rise they`re Hand, an automatic Voice speaks (for example: “you are mutet to unmute press *6”).  How can i to change that automatic voice to german?


The Language-Problem is only with Zoomphone. The account Language is already set german, and if a person calls in to a Meeting per Meeting-ID and Meeting-Password, the automatic voice for those People is in german.   



Hi @Gaston_SZBLIND 


I believe that you are inquiring about Dial-In Numbers for Zoom Meetings (Zoom Phone for future reference is a Business Telephone System).


Nonetheless, it is possible to set your meeting invitations to show the dial-in telephone numbers for your country. In the case of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland the primary language recordings are in German with a secondary option in British English, and a tertiary option in French for Switzerland.


You can set up the default Meeting Invitation phone numbers for your organization on the Zoom web portal under Admin> Account Management > Account Settings > Audio Conferencing (, or for your personal settings under Personal > Settings > Audio Conferencing ( There you will see options edit the list of Toll Phone Numbers that appear in your meeting invitation, set a specific country where most of your participants will call-in from, and even edit the list of countries listed and the order in which they appear. See attached Screenshots.


I hope that helps!






Hello Craig


Thanks for the info. For people who dial into a meeting by phone, the automatic voice speaks German. The problem is with the Business Telephone System Zoomphone. For "Zoomphone" calls that are included in a meeting, the automatic voice speaks English. I have made the recommended settings. Unfortunately it did not help.

Kind regards Gaston

Hello Gaston,


You're welcome!


Are you saying that when a person calls a Zoom Meetings dial-in number such as +49 69 3807 9883 from an Account on Zoom Phone that the Greeting Message of the German dial-in number defaults to English, but the Greeting Message defaults to German if the person calls the same number from a Deutsche Telekom account? 



We use Zoom Phone, and I just tried calling the number listed above, the Greeting was in German.





Hi Craig


I am talking about two different accesses to Zoom meetings.

1. a person dials himself into a Zoom meeting (with meeting ID and password etc.).

Here the greeting is in german.

2. a person calls us on our Zoom phone line. We then add this call to an existing meeting.

Here the greeting is in English.

Greetings Gaston 

Hi Gaston,


How are you adding the call to the meeting when someone calls you?


Best regards,



Hi Craig


Have a look at the screenschots added...



Hi Gaston,


I understand now. 😂


So, you are "elevating a call" coming into your Zoom Phone and merging it into an existing Zoom Meeting. 😅


I don't see any options in the Default Audio Prompts that you could override. I would think that if your account is set to Germany and your Audio Prompt Language (Admin > Phone System Management > Company Info > Settings - see attachment) is set to German, that any default messages like that would be in German. Does it sound to you as though the recording is in American English or British English? 


Have you contacted Zoom Support about it? If not, I would suggest doing so.


I hope that helps!



Hello Craig

Thanks for your tips. I have set the audio prompts to German. However, the voice prompt for Zoomphone calls in meetings remains English. it is an American English.

Kind regards Gaston

Hi Gaston,


I have a strong feeling that it is an oversight in the programming of Zoom Phone Elevate Call to Meeting with Merge into an Existing Zoom Meeting feature. If your account is set to the European Data Center, the default English recordings are supposed to default to British English. 


Best regards,




Hello Craig


Thanks Anyway for your`e help.




Hello Gaston,


You're very welcome! I hope that Zoom is able to correct the issue quickly for you. 


Best regards,

