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Signal when phone transfer


Is there a way to activate a sound confirming the transfert is done when doing a warm transfer with  Zoom phone (either with the Client App or a physical phone)?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Hi Sophie,


No, there isn't an option for sounds confirmation an any of the transfer types. It would make a great enhancement though. I personally would love to have a confirmation tone.


Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @Sophie_PL , 


There's somewhat a magical chime-like sound when you complete any type of transfer using a Client App whether it was a warm, blind or transfer to voicemail, and a visual notification will tell you that the transfer is completed and successful.


Screen Shot 2021-11-30 at 12.06.30 AM.png


Don't forget to hit the like and accept the resolution/ response provided if this answers your question.


Thank you and stay safe!

Hi Peter_Uy!

I've never heard that magical chime-like sound... but would love to!

I see the notification when I do the transfert but when someone else transfers me a call, there's no sound nor notification to tell me the transfert is done. So I just say Hello????, hoping someone is on the other end of the line... kind of weird. It would be a great improvement though.

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

@Sophie_PL ,


Sorry to have misunderstood your question, if you are the one transferring the call to another person, you as the "transferrer" you will hear that "magical chime-like" sound but as the receiver of a transferred call, that's a brilliant idea and could truly be a great enhancement.


Feel free  to submit your suggestions and feature request here.

Thank you!

I just submitted my suggestion... we'll wait and see.

BUT, I don't ear that  "magical chime-like" sound even when I am the "transferrer"... any idea why? Is that an option I should activate?

Community Champion | Employee
Community Champion | Employee

Hello @Sophie_PL ,

follow up question , were you using a desktop client when performing the transfer, and were you doing a warm, blind or transfer to voicemail?


Thank you!

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

I wish that we heard the magical 🌟chime-like sound on our desk phones! 😊 




is there any update on this? We are new on zoom phone.. i received a lot of positive feedback by my team - but they are missing this kind of signal too! The "Hello???" moment is not very professional. 




I haven't seen any update on this but sure would like to! As suggested by @Peter_Uy if others submit the  suggestion to Zoom, maybe the'll include the option in a future update. We can place our request here.



ok . i send the request. This is really a missing feature.

And there is no workaround for this...



This is a major problem that needs to be addressed.  My company is newer to Zoom Phone.  I have submitted the below request.


Hi! Several people have suggested this feature and it really should be added. When transferring calls, it would be highly beneficial if the receiver heard a sound (beep/chime) when the call has been successfully transferred. The fact that it doesn't causes confusion and appears unprofessional. Please see previous comments below.

Sorry to have misunderstood your question, if you are the one transferring the call to another person, you as the "transferrer" you will hear that "magical chime-like" sound but as the receiver of a transferred call, that's a brilliant idea and could truly be a great enhancement.

Feel free to submit your suggestions and feature request here.

I haven't seen any update on this but sure would like to! As suggested by @Peter_Uy if others submit the suggestion to Zoom, maybe the'll include the option in a future update. We can place our request here.



Hello, is there any update on this... after 1 year?