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Lag and delays on App Phones and Cell Devices


Zoom, mostly the issue is answering from the mobile app. It may not answer an incoming call or send an outgoing call. This is also an issue from desk phones too. Common issue are as follows: 

  • Delays when connecting inbound and outbound calls
  • Incorrect caller ID displays when multiple calls come in , and multiple team members answer
  • Inconsistent tracking of who actually answers the call (e.g., if I answer, it sometimes shows a different team member)
  • Voicemails being left indicate a verbal time 12:47 a.m. and the call log indicates 2:47 a.m. (Reporting appears to be in a different Time Zone than what Site is set too.

MultiSite application with site to site calling. 

We have rebooted Carrier Router, Switches and made some adjust to DNS alias. All Captures [CTRL + SHIFT + ALT +D] appear to be in legitimate responses.  I see some Jitter ranging from 0 to 22 depending on the IP Address:

Average Download Speed is 306006 (Bytes/Second)
DNS Look Up = .017276 (Seconds)
TCP Handshake = .280225 Seconds
TLS Handshake: .30121 Seconds

Ping Responses range from 4.5 MS to 32 MS