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Is there any way to copy and paste the incoming caller id phone number?


We use a secondary customer service program that requires us to enter the incoming phone number to locate an account. 

The phone number is hidden during the call which is not very efficient.


Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

Check you desktop app settings under the phone tab.  I'm attaching a screenshot that I use that just opens a new browser tab with a Google search of the incoming call's caller ID.  You might be able to "screen pop" a record in your application if it browser based and takes variables.





We can do this but it's a bit clunky. It would nice to be able to do this right from our phone app.

Community Champion | Zoom Partner
Community Champion | Zoom Partner

hi dkaseman,

another clunky way to capture the incoming caller-id is to use a tool such as snagit.  i tested this approach which takes less than 10 seconds.


  1.  Initial Caller-ID Number Capture setup using Snagit  


  1. Zoom Windows Client ->Zoom Phone->Lines displayed
  2. Snagit 2023 Ready to Capture


  1. Call comes in


  1. Incoming call on Lines Screen
  2. Snagit 2023 Capture->Click Capture and using mouse, select incoming caller-id number.
  3. Snagit 2023 Editor->Click Grab Text (converts image to text)
  4. Snagit 2023 Grab Text Results displays caller-id number
  5. Copy caller-id number and paste where desired

i agree with you that having the ability to use copy from zoom phone and paste to your crm or other application is important.  it will save time and reduce errors.

i will submit to

i hope others will also submit.


thanks,  eliot