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problems to assign licence to a user


I have 10 licences availables and 5 used, but when I try to assign a licence to a user, I receive the message "You have exceeded the limit of license assignment for your account. Buy more licenses to increase the limit."


in the same screen, users administrations, I have  two distinct messages :

"You have licenses still availabe to users"


"You have exceeded the limit of license assignment for your account. Buy more licenses to increase the limit."


Please, Help me....


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @joellino


Each license is intended to be assigned to one user indefinitely. While it can be removed from one user and assigned to another, there is an undocumented limit to the number of times a license can be reassigned. Once that that has been reached, Zoom gives you this error: “You have exceeded the limit of license assignment for your account”. Once you purchase an additional license and assign it to a user, my understanding is that the one or more of the remaining locked licenses will be released to be reassigned. 

It may be a violation of Zoom’s Terms of Service to freely reassign a small number of licenses among a larger number of users in an account. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.