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can't see the person I invited


When I send an invitation to one particular  person, I make sure the camera is on for both host and recipient. however when the recipient joins my meeting, I can't see them. They tell me that they have a message saying the host  has stopped their access to the camera.  This problem doesn't happen with anyone else on other meetings 


 I haven't  stopped their camera access

 please help 


I would ask if when this happens to this participant, are there other participants in that same meeting? Are their cameras working, but this person is not? Are the folks that are working, are they co-hosts and this other participant is not?

Just some thoughts, because there is not a way to disable the camera for just one individual in a meeting with others.

Jeff Widgren

Jeff Widgren | Host of the Zoom Test Kitchen


I'm having the same problem with my sister.  It is just the two of us on Zoom and she can't get her camera to work.  She gets a message from Zoom saying "You cannot start your video because the host has stopped it".  How do we fix this situation?