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accessing recordings from another user


How do I access a meeting recording from another user in my account?


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Normal member users cannot access cloud recordings of other users on the account. Only an Admin can access cloud recordings for all users on the entire account via the Recording Management page


Hope that helps and please make sure to mark the solution as accepted if this information is what you needed.

The administrator has sent me the link and access code but I still get the message " YOU CANNOT VIEW THIS RECORDING NO PERMISSION" The administrator has removed any restriction but I still get the same message and there is nowhere to enter the access passcode



Thanks for that, I am the account owner but am still unable to access the other user's recordings. How do I resolve this issue?

Can you confirm that the other users are members of your account? Also, keep in mind this only works for cloud recordings. Local recordings are stored locally on their devices, so you would not be able to access those recordings without getting access to their device directly. 


Yes, confirmation isn't a problem and understood on cloud based recordings only.

Great, check your Users page on your account to ensure you have other users on the account with you. If they are not on your account, you can invite them to join your account, but you will need to provide them with their own licenses after they join. 

Yes, that's the case, they've been added to my account and show as a licensed user type.  Shouldn't the recordings show up under Personal>Recordings?

No, that page is for your profile's recordings, not everyone on the account. As I said before, you 

can access cloud recordings for all users on the entire account via the Recording Management page, which is found under Account Management > Recording Management. 


So, it isn't possible for a non-admin user to see recordings that an admin has made? We only want one admin user, and they run the meeting, and our secretary has a non-admin user in our account, but they are unable to see any recordings, despite setting all the authentication options. 

Is there no way around this? Other than perhaps have the secretary initiate the recording, or the webmaster has to share the link after each meeting?