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Zoom video settings menu crashes Dell XPS 13 9315 laptop


I have a Dell XPS 13 9315 laptop with Windows 11 Home 10.0.22631 Build 22631 with Zoom client 6.2.0 (46690) and whenever I try to do either of the following, my computer reboots (first to a blue screen with no error message that only says your system ran into a problem and needs to restart):


* Join a Zoom meeting

* Access the video menu


This behavior occurs whether I use the built-in laptop camera or an external webcam.


I've tried the following:


* Removing and reinstalling the Zoom client.

* Checking for driver updates for the Dell (it says I have none to fetch)


I haven't tried removing the client and just trying Zoom with the browser. Is that worth a test?


I should mention that both the built-in camera and the external webcam work like a champ when I test them in Windows. So, the issue seems to be related to how Zoom is handling the cameras.



Hi, Folks! Here's what I'm seeing in the Event View. This seems to confirm that it's the video driver that's causing the kernel panic:


Device DISPLAY\INT3480\4&37eaf7c9&0&UID144512 had a problem starting.

Driver Name: oem38.inf
Class Guid: {ca3e7ab9-b4c3-4ae6-8251-579ef933890f}
Service: camera
Lower Filters:
Upper Filters:
Problem: 0x0