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Zoom asks me to update before I log in, but won't acknowledge that I have done so


I'm using Zoom on Linux. Since the latest update at the weekend (5th Feb 2023) whenever I try to enter a meeting via the zoom app I get a message saying that I need to update to the newest version as I'm using version 5.9.3. When I follow the instructions on the download page and download version 5.13.7 for Ubuntu it seems to download correctly, but then when I try to enter the meeting I get the same message about needing to update to at least version 5.10.7.


I have followed the instructions on the download page and also updated zoom on my terminal, removing all old versions of zoom and then using "wget" in the command line, but I still get the message saying I need to update my version of zoom. I was hoping that upgrading my version of Ubuntu today might resolve this but I'm still stuck in the same dead end. I can of course access zoom in the browser but it's not my preferred solution. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks in advance.