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Zoom Events Polling Does not Export Correctly

New Member
New Member

My business runs virtual meetings using the Zoom Events platform. Each meeting includes ~20 polling questions. Historically, I've exported the results from each poll on a user-by-user basis ("PollResults.csv" which is exported via a zip file). For my past two programs, however, the zip file contains incomplete/corrupted data. The data is clearly there - I can see polling results in aggregate in my analytics summary.


I can no longer rely on the Zoom polling feature. I've opened a support ticket and was told "our engineering team is working with our Dev team to investigate this, they believe that the last update caused this change"


Though I'd love some resolution with this post, I'm mostly sharing for anyone who has experienced similar issues. There's really no sense in me continuing to pay for Zoom Events when a critical feature is so broken.


