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When I Screen Share on a Mac, it defaults to my Desktop Screen versus the last application opened


This is another Mac vs PC issue with zoom.


I've noticed, that when I Screen Share on my Mac, it automatically defaults to sharing my Desktop Screen versus the last application opened.  So if I wanted for it to open automatically on my powerpoint slides, i have to flip around and find it. 


Not a big deal.  But annoying.  And can look a little disorganized when you share.


Anyone encounter this and have a suggestion on how to configure so zoom will open up on a particular application or file when you share?


Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Sorry, @Deliberate1, but this is the way Zoom is currently designed. I’m not aware of any way to override this default behavior. 

You might consider making a Feature Request for an ability to reorder the icons on the various Screen Share selection windows;


Feature Request entry: 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.