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What is the maximum users per license?


What is the maximum users can I assign to with a license? Is it free to assign user under a licensed account?


Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Licenses can be assigned as many times as you need, but can only be assigned to one user at a time. Thus, you can assign the license to User A on Monday, User B on Tuesday, etc. 

(Edited 8/28)
Since this post, Zoom has changed how often admins can re-assign licenses between users on their account. Unfortunately, I do not have any information that I can share regarding how many license re-assignments are allowed per day/week/month, so it is recommended that admins purchase additional licenses for their account to increase the limit of license assignments. 

How do I assign my license to another user?

Hi @juliemath712 

Licenses can be assigned by the account owner or an account admin in the web portal. This article has all the details:

I as reading the description of the Pro account (copied below).  It says I can invite one licensed user to share the account.  Does a "licensed user" mean anyone else with a Pro or other paid account?  Secondly I looked through settings but didn't see an option to add another licensed user to schedule meetings.  Where is this found?  Thirdly, I sometimes use the "host key" to delegate hosting to someone.  If I add a licensed user to the account, and they schedule separate meetings, would they have a separate host key?


Oh and here is the description I intended to append:

John has upgraded and is now a Licensed user on a Pro account. He invites Paul to his account as a Licensed user.

  • John can schedule as many meetings as he wants, but can only have 1 meeting active at a time, regardless of if he is actually present in the meeting or not.
  • Paul can schedule as many meetings as he wants, but can only have 1 meeting active at a time, regardless of if he is actually present in the meeting or not.
  • John and Paul's meeting limits are independent of each other, meaning they can both host a meeting at the same time, as long as they each schedule one of those meetings (as opposed to John scheduling and hosting them both). The same goes for other users on the account.

Community Champion | Customer
Community Champion | Customer

Welcome to the Zoom Community, @JimM2.


I  see your two posts here. It seems like to have a good grasp on how this works!!  Yes, Zoom generally uses the term Licensed to mean “paid”, where Basic can be thought of as “free” and “unlicensed”. 


Here’s some standard text I use to explain Scheduling Privilege, Alt-Host, and Host Key:


There are several scenarios for allowing someone else to host a meeting in your absence.

  1. Scheduling Privilege is normally used when there's an assistant or a colleague who will need to substitute-host often
  2. If you just need a one-off substitute and the substitute is on the same corporate account as you, the Alt-Host option might be more suited (and less work initially).
  3. If one or the other is not true (not Licensed, or not on the same account), then your only option is the Host Key method.

Note that both Scheduling Privilege and Alt-Host methods require that both accounts be on the same account and both be Licensed (paid) accounts. Only Host key will work if either of those requirements are not met.


See these Zoom Support articles for more information: 


Scheduling Privilege Additional Info:

Scheduling Privilege can be set up one-way or bidirectionally. Often an executive just needs an assistant to be able to schedule meetings and occasionally start them in the exec's absence, so the exec sets up Scheduling Privilege to allow the assistant to do so. If two colleagues (like teaching faculty) frequently stand in for one another, then both would assign Scheduling Privilege to the other. This can also work for more than two individuals.


Note that the person to whom Scheduling Privilege is assigned will have an additional drop-down to display either just their own meetings, just the other person's meeting, or all of them.


Alt-Host Additional Info:

The alternative host must start the meeting using the join link in an email sent to them by the host. The meeting will not display in the upcoming meetings list in the desktop client, mobile app, or web page for alternative hosts.



Host Key Additional Info:

Essentially, locate (and if desired, edit) your Host Key from your profile on the Zoom Web Portal. Set your meeting up with a Passcode, disabled Waiting Rooms, and enable Join Before Host (I recommend 15 minutes). Give your Host Key to your "substitute host", who will enter the room and use the Claim Host menu to become the host.


 Side note just for you @JimM2: Yes, each account has its own separate Host Key. 

Ray -- check out the GoodClix website or the Z-SPAN website.