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Virtual background



I use a MacBook Air and I need to use the virtual background without using a green or a blue background for my meetings but unfortunately I don t have such an option, because the pictures are not enable to use them. The only choice which the app allows me to use the virtual background is by using a green or a blue background. I deleted and re-install the app but nothing. I also tried to fix it using the manually-option but still no result. 

Could anyone give me a solution?


Thanks in advance


Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hi @FAQ 

We would need to know the exact hardware specification of your MacBook Air to be able to determine if your device can support virtual background without a greenscreen. 

Generally, if you don't have the option, it means the device cannot support that particular feature. 


Hi Bort,

below you could find attached the technical specifications of my lap top

Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Hi @FAQ 

Unfortunately, it seems your Macbook Air's processor does not meet the system requirements for "image only without a green screen", as listed here:

Hi Bort,


Yes but my Macbook Air's processor operates with macOS Monterey, version 12.6.1 which means that is one of the system requirements for "image only without a green screen", the below one:

  • macOS 10.13 or later

Community Champion | Zoom Employee
Community Champion | Zoom Employee

Your device's processor and the OS running on the system are separate items and both need to be met for this feature to work.