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Scheduled Meeting not displayed under MEETINGS Tab



My local area of NA has a zoom account, as it was important to continue meetings (albeit virtual) during covid.  I am the zoom coordinator (if you will) for said area; and one of the meetings I scheduled for one of our groups is not appearing under the  MEETINGS both the desktop & web zoom client.

The common solution found on the internet doesn't work (as there are no calendars synced w/ this zoom client/account).  If someone can help, it would be greatly appreciated.  Without being able to see ALL scheduled meetings, I am flying blind in scheduling additional meetings; & in providing help to our area members when they have questions about meeting overlaps, etc.







Hello Mark, I am looking for some NA zoom meetings are you able to help me find a meeting today and in the am.  I am from Minnesota 

Zoom Employee
Zoom Employee

Hi @mark4man 


Is this missing meeting a recurring meeting? If so, it could be listed at the end of the list of upcoming meetings, especially if the meeting was scheduled as a no-fixed-time recurring meeting. 

This should apply to both the desktop and web portal alike. As these meetings have no set date/time (at least within Zoom), the system places them at the end of the list in order to avoid cluttering your view of any meetings specifically scheduled for today. 


Hope that helps, but let me know if you have any other questions. 

Bort, I have a zoom meeting scheduled on my calendar that is not appearing in my list of meeting on the Zoom web portal for my account. 

Hi @AndyInNaples 

Was this a meeting scheduled by you, or were you invited to this meeting by someone else?

I am having the same problem. I was invited by someone else and even though the invite is in my calendar it won't show up on my meetings tab. If I create the meeting, then it shows up no problem. 

Can you help with this? 


I have the same problem.  I am the administrator and owner.  This happens for any meeting I schedule whether reoccurring or one-off.  I added zoommail the the meeting tab disappeared.  This is where I would click on the link to start a zoom meeting which I scheduled.  AHHH SO FRUSTRATING.  Don't install the zoom mail.  I also found and followed the advice in a internet thread to "remove meetings and calendars."  Yet, I did not find an exact match in the settings. I have a paid account but it doesn't come with phone support so I cannot contact anyone.  What is Zoom thinking?  


I have the same problem.  I am the administrator and owner.  This happens for any meeting I schedule whether reoccurring or one-off.  I added zoommail the the meeting tab disappeared.  This is where I would click on the link to start a zoom meeting which I scheduled.  AHHH SO FRUSTRATING.  Don't install the zoom mail.  I also found and followed the advice in a internet thread to "remove meetings and calendars."  Yet, I did not find an exact match in the settings. I have a paid account but it doesn't come with phone support so I cannot contact anyone.  My upcoming meetings are nowhere to be found.  Not in the upcoming calendar widget on the app.  SO FRUSTRATING.  But it is still on my phone app but Zoom's phone app sucks!  What is Zoom thinking making it more difficult to use their main service - zoom video calls?  


I have scheduled a meeting via Outlook Calendar. The meeting is displayed in my calendar but is not showing in "Upcoming meetings" in my Zoom account.  How would I know or Zoom know if the meeting is actually scheduled?

I have the same problem.  I now have to include my email in the email list of participants to get the zoom link to start the meetings.  I am now showing up late and this is wasting a TON of time.  This is beyond frustrating.  Happened when I added the zoom mail.  I suggest people don't do that. 


I'm seeing this as well on two separate computers running macos and the latest version of the Zoom app, 6.3.11. Zoom's support bot instructed me to uninstall/reinstall, which I did on one of the computers. This did not fix the issue. On the other computer, I had the previous version of the Zoom app from a backup, which I restored. I am now able to see my meetings. I've reported all of this to Zoom support. I'd suggest opening a ticket to increase visibility on the issue.

Thanks Bort.


The upcoming/recorded tab is missing from my Mac zoom app, so there is no way of even getting to the list of meetings I have created for different groups that can occur at anytime.  Where did the upcoming/recorded tab go?  Don't bother telling me that I should create a calendar, that doesn't work for me.  My schedule is flexible.  

Did you manage to sort this out ? I have the exact same issue and it is so frustrating


I figured out a way. Click on Join. There, in the dropdown is the list when you click the downward arrow on the right of the box. Works for me for now though I preferred the way it was earlier. It would be nice if I could search the zoom meeting by the name

Thank you @prasenjeetp > that's the only way I can see how it works, too...
Why remove functionality on an upgrade. @Bort ? It's not an upgrade then, is it?!

Install the latest update 5.15.3 (20121) That did it! 
The meetings now appear under "Anytime Meetings" on right side of box, and opens when you click it.  Tiny font list but they are there.


I am also having the same issue. Here are details of my setup: 

  • I set up a new (basic) Zoom account
  • I connected Google Calendar from Zoom Settings > Profile > Calendar and Contacts Integration
  • I received a google calendar invitation from a 3rd party that contained Zoom meeting
  • I accepted it and verified it appeared on my Google Calendar with the Zoom meeting
  • I go to Zoom Setting > Meetings > Upcoming and nothing appears. 


I also tried installing the Google Calendar app from the Zoom App Marketplace, 


Mark.  I need to register for na meetings.  I have a substance abuse problem and need to stop this habit.  Do you have any meetings scheduled.  How do I register?  Thank you in advance for your help.



None of my meetings, one off or recurring, are showing up under My Meetings. I just created another new recurring meeting and it doesn't show up, either. Any idea what's going on or what I can do? I need to see my list of upcoming meetings. Thank you for any support regarding this issue.


I have scheduled a meeting via Outlook Calendar. The meeting is displayed in my calendar but is not showing in "Upcoming meetings" in my Zoom account.  How would I know or Zoom know if the meeting is actually scheduled?


Mine are just gone, not even showing in the calendar. Yes they were made by me, some several years old recurring and now just gone.  Why? and How to fix without being too costkly on time?


Edited a recurring meeting that I created previously and have been using for months. We moved the meeting to the first week of the month instead of the second, but after saving it is no longer appearing on my meetings lists at all.  Not with the Upcoming Meetings or in Previous Meetings -  It's like it was wiped out entirely.  How do I recover it as I have no desire to create a new meeting with new code?